240921 people_by_people YouTube Update – Stacking dominos with senior Jeong Hyung-don and getting hit with a toy hammer? The Inspector EP.10

by MajorIvan88


  1. It’s heartwarming to see her hosting a guest that’s known her for so long and seems to genuinely follow her career!

    On a side note: her outfit’s so cute!

  2. so this episode was where she received her shining silver button from YouTube

    pretending to be selling  pear and gotten block by friends 🤣

  3. Two legendary comedians and MCs unite! They really have similar humor.

    That hammer episode left a bad taste in my mouth for the longest time haha, even if it was all for the sake of entertainment. Needless to say I enjoyed the punishments. And their Vietnam trip is GOATed TWICE content! I admire their perseverance, stacking dominoes sounds like a torture to me 😭

    Congrats on your silver button Miss Inspector!

    Love the guest of the next episode!! ❤️

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