1. Indigo_Mindset420 on

    As sad it is to say, we saw this coming. I am still hopeful that she may still be a part of RV but considering what happened with Girl’s Generation members that didn’t re-sign. I’ll be cautiously optimistic.

  2. Different-Computer33 on

    omg, but honestly no unexpected at all I hope she goes to a company that values her, gives her an album and let her have creative input and credits for her work

  3. RandomNewsreport on

    If she plans on focusing on acting it’s probably for the best, plenty of other agencies to choose from.

    Depending on what other members decided RV might actually only be Seulgi and Irene since they have all complained about SM’s mismangamnet and are yet to re-sign.

  4. Brief_Night_9239 on

    Yes the likely scenario. I know it is repeatedly talked about but SM treatment of Red Velvet is simply atrocious. Till this day no Japanese fan club for RV, imagine when there is an SM Town concert in Japan you have to apply to other group fan clubs.

    And there is the issue RV not being promoted in America.

  5. I keep thinking that they sign 10 years contracts and not seven anymore. It’s keeps happening that we don’t see much announcement after seven and just after ten some leave.

  6. yogurt_closetone5632 on

    Thats right sm artist contracts are 10 years long.. anyway I think it makes most sense for artists to either create their own label or have their solo work managed by a label seperate from the group

  7. Oh thank goodness. Joy’s been complaining for at least a year and a half at this point about her frustrations with the company and how she singlehandedly was doing a lot of promo work for RV. She’s felt underemployed despite her many talents, she could do better elsewhere.

    And RV has been clear about wanting to remain together for a long time, I’m not worried about her renewing for group activities.

  8. I’ll wait until an official announcement cause remember a few years ago there were reports about D.O. leaving SM and it wasn’t true lol

  9. i just gasped aloud i can’t believe it’s actually happening. go joy! hopefully she can get what she wants out of her future company

  10. It sounds like she wants to focus on acting, so I’m not surprised she’s leaving SM for that. I hope she ends up staying in Red Velvet though.

  11. KimchiBreath329 on

    Not surprising at all. I would’ve been shocked if she re-signed with SM after the way they treat RV.

    Kinda sucks since I was hoping for a 2025 world tour to see them one more time.

  12. AnUtterlyRandomUser on

    I will support her in anything she tries to do in the future. Joy is my joy and while I believe she will stay with Red Velvet even if she leaves SM, no matter what happens I’m very thankfully for the ten years we’ve had with her in Red Velvet.

  13. I’m happy for her. I don’t think she’s leaving Red Velvet. She loves the group and the members too much. SM on the other hand… Joy has been vocal about her complaints about the agency. I’m glad I was able to watch their fancon since I don’t know how they’ll schedule tours and if SM will make it easy if they’re not all in the same company. I’m hoping it works out well for all the members and reveluvs.

  14. She seems committed to the group so I’m sure we’ll still get at least yearly anni content.
    But she definitely knows that Red Center is NOT the way to go as far as solo music management lmaoo. And honestly, so real of her. I hate them! They have proven to be so terribly unreliable for both the group and the soloists (Wendy’s cb was a mess of epic proportions).

  15. Putting my fear of being jumped aside I will say her acting is pretty mediocre at best. Obviously she has the resources and time to improve but I don’t think I’ve enjoyed any of her performances so far.

  16. a_mystical_potato on

    Good. She’s been rather open about her dislike of SM for a while, I hope she finds a company she feels good about to sign with/starts her own.

  17. Yet another name to add to the list of people who have left SM recently.

    Now Taemin, Onew, Baekhyun, D.O, Xiumin, Chen, Kyuhyun, Donghae, Eunhyuk, and Joy have all left SM ( as far as I can remember ) in the last 2 years. Yikes! Not looking too hot for SM!

    edit: Sunny also left sm

  18. I literally have her poster framed on my wall. Not sure what to say other than I want her to be happy and I want Red Velvet to continue to exist in some form.

  19. I wonder if she’ll be like Kyuhyun, Donghae, and Eunhyuk with separate new contracts as an SM artist only for group activities, or if she’ll be like D.O, Taemin, and the others who are completely free and are just amenable to work with SM and their group on a per project basis.

  20. It was kinda obvious her and Yeri were going to leave for a while now. I’m more shocked they got Irene to stay when they tried to badmouth her to the press …and that she actually stayed.

    Assuming this was like a DO situation where Joy mad it obvious behind the scenes she wasn’t going to stay and so they didn’t try to keep her like they did with Irene.

    And now I wonder if Yeri getting two acting projects was to entice her to re-sign

  21. Happy for her to go elsewhere and be happier, she’s had a lot to complain about the last 2ish years. My heart will be happy seeing her flourish and my wallet will be happy with RV coming back every year or two!

  22. Is this confirmed? I really hope she pulls a Kyungsoo and leave SM cleanly: don’t burn any bridges and stay as a member of the group, but sign with a new company and thrive as a solo artist.

    Be free, Sooyoungie!

  23. people leave companies and stay in groups all the time.

    she’s been hella vocal about her dislike for the way SM does things. hope her next company suits her taste and satisfies her needs as an artist.

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