240918 [Weverse Live: ENHYPEN] To 4ever beloved ENGENE

by SaltyPoppy

1 Comment

  1. Took some liberties with the title translation because it was a wordplay:

    # Original title: 4랑하는 엔진에게 – To beloved ENGENE – ‘4’ sounds like the first syllable (sa) of loved so I added a word that could be replaced with 4.

    They came on a quick voice live to say some words for the 4th anniversary of their formation, they thanked engenes for being engenes and supporting them the past 4 years, said they had a lot of good memories, it felt both fast and long.

    Ni-ki said he hopes to be together for a long time for their 5th until their 20th anniversary.

    They just landed in Milan recently so they said they can’t turn on the camera because they need to wash up and they also ate ramen and it was a long flight.

    They were very excited and members (Hee, Jake) kept dancing which the others were laughing at so they were struggling to say their ments about the anniversary. They said they can’t say or show the dancing because it’s just for them.

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