BTS RM appointed ambassador for the Ministry of National Defense’s excavation team, an organization seeking to identify fallen veterans of the Korean War

by ghiblix


  1. * ENG [1](, [2](

    >RM, the leader of BTS, will serve as an ambassador for the Ministry of National Defense’s excavation team.

    >According to industry insiders on May 31st, the Ministry of National Defense’s excavation team will officially appoint RM as an ambassador on June 1st.

    >The Ministry of National Defense’s excavation and detection team is an organization and veterans project seeking to identify the remains of those who died in the Korean War [with the ultimate goal of] returning the remains to their families. RM will participate in various promotional activities to inform the public of the excavation project.

  2. wow, what an honourable cause.

    He truly makes the world a better place. 💜

  3. PendulaPendula on

    Oh, what meaningful work. 🥲 Breaks my heart that so many fallen people still have yet to be recovered/identified.

  4. ParsnipExtension3861 on

    Wow what a role. I’ve already seen this pop up on Korean news channels

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