1. When I saw the Weverse notification just now I honestly forgot he was enlisted for a sec, then went “AAAAAAA!!!” when I saw the pic. He looks healthy (to my layman’s eye), and very handsome in his uniform. ~~I hope he’s having the experience he wants to have.~~

    Edit: I hadn’t read the caption at first! Glad he’s enjoying his life 💜💜💜

  2. Crying 😭

    He looks so good. I hope the snow will melt soon and it becomes nice and warm weather.

  3. [post link](https://weverse.io/bts/artist/1-112261092) | trans by [minnie](https://twitter.com/tteokminnie/status/1615621141393031169?s=46&t=r5ULlx7Wponn1Vdr8IsuCw):
    > 🐹 I’m enjoying and living well
    I’m uploading a picture after getting permission from the army
    ARMYs, always be happy and be well

    my heart nearly jumped out of my chest when I saw the notification pop up on my phone. our astronaut really got permission from the military officials and came home to say hello after his graduation 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  4. The squeal I let out when I saw the notif was no joke, I’m so glad nobody’s home right now.

    It’s so good to hear from him and look at this handsome face 😭 I’m glad he’s doing well!

  5. vixen-vengeful on

    3am and I glad I’m awake for once.

    Jin 🥹 Our Kim Seokjin 🥹🥹🥹

    Our World Wide Handsome, looking dashing af in that stiff, boxy uniform. He’s handsome in everything.

    I miss him so much I had to read his name 3 times in the notification I couldn’t believe it 😭 And it’s only been a month 😭😭😭

    1 down, 17 to go 🥲

  6. oh my sweet seokjinnie how i miss you😭💕

    gods it’s so nice to see him. i hope he’s staying warm enough, it looks so cold in korea rn

  7. JustLurkingPlsIgnore on

    Jin, I am so so so proud of your dress and deportment that was demonstrated at the graduation ceremony today. I’m certain you will continue to serve with great sense of honor as you move on to the next phase of your military enlistment. This soldier in Canada is SO PROUD OF YOU. 화이팅!

  8. OMG HE CAME HOME (to weverse)

    I had a terrible day yesterday, like everything that could go wrong did. Today was much better though and especially now Jin has posted. Happy graduation Jinnie! His hair already looks longer and those strong brows with the beret.

  9. Mysterious_Mango_706 on

    Yay Jin, we love you!!! This makes me so happy to see him and his handsome face, my first thought was, *”Is this real?!?”* Can’t believe he got permission to share with us. God bless, Jinnie! Stay safe and healthy 💜

  10. THESE are the kind of military photos I don’t mind seeing. And him wishing us well made me smile.

    See you soon, Seokjinnie. 💜

  11. omg 😭😭 I don’t even have words for how good it is to see his face. So wholesome that he popped by to update armys 🥺

  12. After the initial shock of this Weverse post my heart is full. It’s so good to see him doing well, thriving, even.

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