1. 🤩 So handsome! But I’m a little obsessed with that top/sweater. Gorgeous color and somehow looks light but also moves like chain mail 🤔

  2. So… does Jin know that he’s supposed to be our safety in a nekkid bangtan world? Get that man to button up! I can see skin! And hints of collarbone! 😉

    That said (the pearls are a’clutched!) he’s both adorable and gorgeous here. This outfit looks fabulous on him. I just want to hug him for being all Jin and post-service.

  3. Subject-Actuator-860 on

    Wide shoulders?! Tiny waist?! He’s simultaneously adorable and sexy as hell! 😍🥵🤗💜

  4. Jesus Christ the ratio 🫠 And then he just exudes peak cutie pie energy when he speaks… I cannot with him, I am not okay 💀

    (The way I didn’t even notice the lovely sweater the first time around… so subtly shiny! The magpie in me loves it so)

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