1. A song and music video that is so fitting for her. The dance stages are versions are going to be fire. Hwasa never fails to deliver.

  2. withtherisingstars on

    Ooh this was much better than I expected. I really liked this especially the prechorus. Not a fan of the butt-raising choreo but the rest was great and the overall performance suits her so much👏👏

  3. I want to know who the choreographer was that went “So in this next part, you’re just going to full on grab your own butt cheeks.”

  4. Oh this is much better than her “I love my body” release (which I did NOT like at all lol). But the choreo of the continuous butt grabbing was a bit weird….that seems more like a once and move on kinda dance step haha

  5. Hearing the TikTok snippet didn’t do it justice. That prechorus is amazing and I actually enjoy the song in its entirety. It’s short, but it works. Mv was very good too.

  6. I like it way more than I thought I would from the snippet.

    I wonder if she’d have to modify the choreo for music shows, my guess is definitely yes 😁

  7. Sounds like PSY rejected song. Chorus ain’t it. Choreo looks weird as well. Her title songs have been a miss since she left rbw 🙁

    Hoping this is the direction she choosed for herself and not got talked into it by PSY. Wish her best.

  8. I don’t know how i feel about that chorus yet, but i can’t deny the whole song is catchy and dance-y

  9. If “Maria” was a 10, then this is an 8. It’s actually better than I expected, but I feel like there’s a bit of a disconnect between the intro and the chorus, like they don’t really connect. Still nice though, the beat is fire.

    Now, I’ve listened to the album, and I like “Road”, “O” and “just want to have some fun”. Hell, I even like “Road” more than the title track.

    But overall, I find it nice.

  10. miracleofchildbirth on

    The choreo is goofy, the sound is goofy, this is literally a female psy. No unique personality. This is sad how he turns every artist into a carbon copy of himself

  11. Hallways-of-Always on

    Unexpected party anthem! First chorus threw me for a loop, but I got around to liking it pretty quickly! MV looks great, Hwasa looks stunning!

  12. guess I’m not the only who felt this could have been a PSY song but I like it as Hwasa’s lol …h
    Hope this is just a fun passage/short transition for her though…

  13. crashbandicoochy on

    At first, I was definitely disappointed that she was stepping away from the moodier stuff towards Quirky Aunt music, but the chorus of this smacked me in the face with the realization that there’s a vacuum rn for Psy But Make It Femme and Hwasa at least has the charisma to fill it.

  14. I wish she released this in the beginning of summer instead, I love it but the teasers didn’t do it justice. Also not sure how I feel about the butt dance lol

  15. Songs like Maria and Twit feel timeless. These recent memey songs and choreos feel so out of place for her. I can’t tell if that’s just her taste now or PSY’s influence in her career has just gotten that big.

  16. Kindly_Status_1845 on

    damn hwasas making me straight. shes so good at singing and the rap was AMAZING, and dont even get me started on the actual music video.

  17. I need her to leave that company asap. After what had happened to Hyuna and Jessi’s music, I was already not excited but her old music was literally perfect and it feels like the producers just can’t capture what makes Hwasa so special, outside of the “I don’t care” persona.

  18. The song is good. Was worried because I HATED “I love my body.”

    The mini album is very good, though. Very cohesive and nice follow-up to her last mini from 2020.

  19. Ok-Razzmatazz-945 on

    The song is not my cup of tea tbh but I enjoyed the music video, you can see she had fun filming this!!

  20. Not a fan of the butt grabbing in the choreo 😅 it looks awkward? but the song was overall better than I expected

  21. So I like the verses and 1st pre chorus but I’m not feeling the chorus itself. I think her outfits and the general aesthetic of the video is so good but the butt grab move doesn’t even make sense😂 it just feels like adding something in for the sake of it being a bit “scandalous”

    So far her solo songs from her rbw days are muchhhhh better. I can see why people say this sounds like a Psy song

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