r/enhypen Song-a-Day 2024 Day 2: Which Enhypen Song…?

by myriverishere


  1. Dreaming-Of-Mars on


    First listen, I was confused because I wasn’t expecting that sound direction? It’s elegant and quietly powerful rather than in your face as most debuts (this isn’t a bad thing btw), but the harp instrumental and the chorus hook got me, and it’s one of my fav Enha songs in general to this day. Its longevity should be studied, actually.

  2. I’ll say Bite Me. I remember it was advertising on Spotify at the time of it’s release, which was on my birthday, and I fell in love with it.

    I wasn’t even an engene at the time but I still loved the song. And now I’m a new engene and that song is still my one of my favorites. (Still can’t believe Dark Blood came out on my birthday)

  3. PuzzleheadedPin1006 on

    Drunk Dazed was the first song I heard from them, and also fell in love with it, pretty much within that 1st listen

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