1. I think it’s difficult to judge the situation because there are places where you’d have to be the biggest douche to smoke indoors and there are other places where it’s the most normal thing to be doing.

    However, “Baekhyun **unconsciously** used an electronic cigarette as the conversation deepened.” is very funny to me. Another translation even translated it to “unknowingly”. Like why are they pretending he didn’t know what he was doing lmao

  2. From what I’ve read, he was in a smoking area, so the issue isn’t that he was smoking inside, it was that he was using an e-cigarette which is illegal there. But he’s apologised promptly and paid the fine.

    I find the timing of this video very malicious, this was filmed months ago but has only surfaced now during his comeback (when he’s on holiday with his family for Chuseok no less). I hope he ‘has words’ with the restaurant about his privacy being invaded, he’d booked out the whole floor so it was very likely a member of staff secretly filming him to sell to saesangs.

  3. I still can’t believe there are stans, people who actively follow him!, acting surprised by him smoking. His first scandal was pictures of him smoking and drinking when he was underage and there’s been so many pictures over the years of him with cigarettes and vapes (even if fans have tried to shield it by cropping).

    I remember getting bashed in a post like 5+ years ago just for mentioning him as one of the singers who smokes (“it was pre-debut, he is a professional now, he takes care of his voice!!”) but really thought it had gotten too obvious to deny by now. A good reminder that stans just see what they want to see I guess

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