1. If this means that he’s the one who stops presenting updates for his group in those cringey videos then cool

  2. Luxury watch smuggling what kind of Scooby Doo ass crime is this?

    There are two groups of people that you don’t play with, because they will come after no matter who you are, and that’s the IRS and Customs.

  3. Seems like an easy fix.

    Pay the taxes owed with interest and penalties and whatever else the state needs to come out with a win and done. Hopefully YG doesn’t make a stink about it.

    However, the YG reps saying they’re disappointed the prosecutors indicted YG before the statute of limitations ran its course can get bent. Why that even needed to be said is beyond me.

  4. Not all of us here like “lol cute crime, what a bad guy, huh?” 😂 Says a lot about the kind of unsavoury we have been seeing lately.

  5. Not defending him but it’s so obvious most of the commentators just didn’t read the article. Like why are you asking questions when the answer is right there? Never change reddit

  6. I only saw “YG entertainment ” and “smuggling” and i sighed until I saw it’s luxury watches lol

  7. TBF almost everyone avoids declaring luxury goods bought overseas. Who wants to pay extra taxes.

    “Smuggling” makes it seem way worse than it is.

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