1. The news coming from Real Madrid with their standard “Comunicado Oficial” of all places is hilarious

    The part of the article that mentions Music Bank says (my translation)

    > In the case of Music Bank, which was to be held on October 12, 2024, has been cancelled definitely.

  2. This isn’t confirmed yet, and the actual producers are saying they haven’t canceled the event. So wait until they release the actual information.

  3. Hot damn I know this was a major concert for a lot of kpop fan. I have to wonder why they chose to cancel this one considering music bank has been held successfully in Europe before

  4. I’m not even surprised especially since October 12th is Dia de la Hispanidad/ Columbus Day for the Americas. What also surprises me is that they planned to do it in the Bernabéu, ehic has a big capacity. Unless KBS planned only a date for whole Europe, they would have big empty seats. Let’s see what they would do

  5. Never checking Reddit again when I wake up in the middle of the night… I can’t sleep anymore I’m devastated 🙁 I don’t know much about organizing events but the chances that Music Bank manages to find another venue for the same date, which is in 30 days…I spent so much on plane tickets omg…

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