EVERGLOW’s Los Angeles, San Francisco & Tacoma concerts from their 2024 US & LATAM Tour ‘PULSE & HEART’ have been canceled

by CherryBlossomEnding


  1. i used to be a forever and its just disheartening seeing everglow like this. i honestly feel its better to cut things short than to milk what isn’t there

  2. I love Everglow, but $107 for the cheapest available ticket — before taxes, fees, and travel costs — is just out of range. It’s not just them, since I’ve eyed some other groups who have come closer to me, and they’re also asking $60+, but it does make it so seeing a single concert has to be limited to only my absolute top faves.

  3. I am honestly not sure why any manager at any of the involved companies thought coming back to America so soon was a good idea. The group’s only release since their last US tour was a single album, they do not have a large enough discography overall to encourage people to see them live again so soon, and a good portion of their fan base are more casual.

  4. Man for the last few days, it’s been nothing but bad news whenever this sub shows up on my homepage

  5. well_seasoned_crab on

    It’s not a good sign if they can’t even fill out an L.A. stop of all places. But it’s not their fault, the nonstop fan spending on kpop has dramatically decreased in the last year. Unfortunately, their company needs to understand that even people like me (who love 80% of their catalogue and would kill to see Mia live) would *not* casually drop $100 for them.

    I sincerely hope they try to tour again and slash the prices in half next time. Until they hit it big again, they can’t afford to price tickets like a big group.

  6. Damn, why is it that every time I see EVERGLOW in a post’s title now, it’s disappointing news 😭

    Please let it be something exciting next 🙏

  7. This is sad, I love Everglow and have tickets to one of their shows but I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire tour gets dropped at this rate

  8. Instead of making them tour again in less than a year, why doesn’t Yuehua actually promote them properly during their comeback…

  9. IDK why they thought doing another US tour half a year after their previous tour was a good idea. Especially when they only released a single album with 3 new songs.

  10. i looked into getting tickets in tacoma but the prices were actually so outrageous that i just couldn’t justify it. i absolutely love these girls and everglow are one of my ult ggs so i was obviously pretty bummed, but now i’m even more bummed on their behalf. yuehua when i find u…

  11. andromeda_prior on

    Or companies start to humble themselves when it comes to concerts or the global presence of kpop we have gained in the last five years is doomed

  12. This is a huge disappointment considering they’re one of my ults. I’m not able to go because of prior commitments, but it’s definitely sad to hear. And I’m doubly sad because Mia wasn’t able to participate in the VIP activities last year, so my group photo with them doesn’t include her :'(

    The fact that it’s the first 4 stops of the tour is the only thing that gives me an *inkling* that it’s not just poor ticket sales (though it most likely is).

    There last tour didn’t do bad from what I remember. The VVIP spots sold out within minutes, and the Chicago stop had a good amount of seats filled. But the pricing is just too much this time around. It’s $250 for the VVIP package, and that doesn’t even include a ticket to the show (Which themselves are 100-250+) it’s just not worth it to most fans.

    I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again here. These tour companies need to realize that selling out a smaller venue with less expensive tickets/packages is MUCH MUCH better than 50% empty seats or cancelled stops.

  13. Love Everglow but Yuehua needs to realize that in order for there to be demand for these shows, they actually have to work to create the demand. And yeah, it’s expensive to have multiple comebacks a year, but only putting out one single album a year is going to make everyone forget about them quickly. Especially since the group was essentially dormant for nearly two years between Pirate and Slay. And then a tour is announced and it costs over $100 to sit in the balcony? Feels like they only see EG as a cash cow. It bums me out that the company truly doesn’t care about this group and it’s the girls that suffer the most.

  14. Cheapest tickets in Denver reportedly (from comments in threads when tickets were released) increased by nearly $100 when tickets were first released – they performed in the same venue last year AFAIK, so it’s a pretty direct comparison. Their VIP/VVIP tiers also increase by $100 for fewer benefits.

    Everglow hasn’t really increased their fanbase over time – it feels like they’re just targeting the same people in an increasingly emptying fandom over and over. Lots of comments in r/everglow along the lines of “love the girls/songs, but I’m not buying tickets this time.”

    Touring *can* bring in new fans and make stans, but… apologies if this is blunt, that infamous clip of Bon Bon Chocolat at a stop on their first US tour really harmed their live reputation, turned off casuals from attending, and there’s never been a push to “redeem” them or reset expectations for future tours.

  15. I see this as a similar issue with Dreamcatcher. Multiple visits within a short time span or in a single year. Expensive tickets. The only reason why there are no cancellations for Dreamcatcher is due to the really dedicated fanbase, which I believe Everglow sorely lacks. Still hoping the Dreamcatcher company and/or tour company (MMT) fix their ticket prices.

  16. UnnaturalSelection13 on

    I feel bad for the fans (and the girls) but on the business-side this is punishment for being greedy lol

  17. justanotherkpoppie on

    Oh…….that’s not a good sign 🙁 why do companies insist on overpricing tickets?!?!

  18. I feel like they would have been better off following a Leo presents tour format. These tickets are pricey and they haven’t released enough music since their last tour to get casual listeners to want to go again. Leo presents usually has pretty intimate venues and goes to enough oddball type cities that anyone who listens to kpop in that general vicinity will go to any concert they have. The listeners in the current cities they’re visiting have other kpop options so there’s really no appeal to this.

  19. People are poor now due to inflation + too many groups touring + too many groups in general. Back in gen 3 there was like maybe 5 girl groups you would follow, now there is like 15-20 split between gen 3/4/5.

  20. Oh, so they’re just gonna cancel the whole thing, aren’t they?

    Fuck this shit. I love everglow.

  21. Disappointed but understandable. I remember seeing EG tour ads showing up on my IG feed, that’s about it. 
    Feel bad for fans who had to travel and booked accommodation already. In most cases, they’re non-refundable.

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