by SeventeenModTeam


  1. Aww >!I was hoping for some plot twist in the end like Hoshi being the Zombie mastermind or something but it was still a really fun episode! The Gose staff and the zombie actors did a wonderful job and of course the boys were amazing too. The ending pretty much just means they went into the building and got trapped in a zombie alternate world, since in the end it is revealed the staff literally waited for them till daybreak!<

  2. Hello???? They all died? 😭 I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see if they’ll get out and then they all got swarmed, Vernon made it back to the building I think. I kept waiting for the next gose teaser to be part 3 of this but then it just ended 😭

  3. Knightingalesong on

    Woozi is so badass! I wish I had even just a tiny fraction of that courage. Just walks ahead with no gun, seems unfazed during and after he encounters zombies. Meanwhile I get scared when the doorbell rings. XD

  4. Character_Bell_4144 on

    First off, JEON WONWOO, YOU ARE SO COOL 🫦 Being a Gam3bo1 has its perks. Love Mingyu’s leadership too! Also, Woozi fighting off zombies without a gun? That was very hot, sir 🫦 Yeah maybe the whole premise is that the moment they entered the building, they’ll be trapped there forever. There’s no way out. The ending showed that the GoSe staff were waiting for them but they never came back. They were transported and trapped into a world where there’s some kind of zombie apocalypse. This is also why during the ending of the first ep, Hoshi saw no staff outside. That was well-played tbh. My jaw dropped. Kudos to the staff for their creative minds. Ofc, props to the boys for working hard. Love that this ep showcased their teamwork. GOING ORIGINAL SERIES IS AT IT AGAIN 🫡

  5. Woozi saying “I don’t need a gun” and he’s just fighting them with his strength 💪 I think Dokyeom was the one screaming at the end 😂 As expected class president Mingyu took the lead in guiding them to the armory.

    Vernon ran back into the building at the end 😂

    This was the Gose staff’s way to make up for the Gose episode wherein they were supposed to use guns but never got released.

    Who needs a movie when you’ve got this? What a cliffhanger! The staff have outdone themselves. >!So they all died. The members thought they were finally free from the zombies when they walked out of the building but they just walked into a whole trap, that’s why Trap is the title of this episode.!<

    edit: I rewatched and Hoshi got bitten by a zombie early on how silly of me to forget it.

  6. Was really hoping for a part 3 and more plot haha but still enjoyed the episode. The 1st person cameras made it look like video game and ngl scared me a bit lol.

  7. Watching this at night time in the dark was probably not my smartest idea because I jumped so hard when the zombie appeared out of the corner in front of Wonwoo.

    >!I was suspecting they would have to get the key from a bitten Hoshi to get out because a lot of people were speculating last week that he might have a role to play but he just straight up died at the start lmao!<

  8. Vernon wasted no time running back into the building lol,, wish they had carried on a bit more with hoshi potentially being the final boss of sorts or even bringing back that bad zombie leader

  9. YogurtclosetNo7451 on

    As usual in horror episodes, the second part in Going is always disappointing.. even though it’s not bad.. but there’s always a feeling that they could have done more in the plot

  10. Wow what a shift from the comedic episode from last week. I love how each part had different themes, where part 1 was horror, part 2 was comedic and part 3 was action.

    First off props to the staff for being able to pull this off, like obviously this was no the last of us and I do wish there was more done with the plot, but I can only imagine the amount of insane planning they had to do to get the plotline right, and all the actors who had to be prepped to get shot with only pieces of cardboard(?) protecting them.

    I loved how their gamer instincts just took over, I kinda laughed when they suggested to check their pockets like what you do after you kill an enemy and loot them for items. I was really surprised by Mingyu as he did really well to take lead, and Dokyeom by the end was active with shooting, despite these two being the biggest scaredy cats they were really involved. Also totally biased but gamer Wonwoo was just too cool, love how calm he was everytime there was a surprise zombie attack. I could never.

    I do wish Hoshi didn’t straight up just die in the beginning, but I laughed when Seungkwan said “we have to shoot him, he was being too fearless” lol. Sorry Hoshi you were acting kinda strange in ep 1 we all kinda suspected you too 😅

  11. Best_Blackberry_4832 on

    Woozi is literally Ma Dong Seok of SVT lmao and damn, what an ending! Though I saw it coming because ain’t no way they’re getting out that easily. Enjoyed it so much!

  12. vernon telling Mingyu just to shoot Hoshi then at the end running back to the building by himself I’m crying. He said I have to put me first 

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