1. “Operational challenges”

    – We’re not selling as we expected.
    – We rushed this.
    – Should’ve waited.

  2. I saw it coming. They should’ve taken their time and not think this was an easy cash grab.

    When they had the first layou and you could still see the seat map, rows upon rows of seats were still available. I just know that with the GA only layout, not even half of that standing area was filled.

  3. LOL i’m surprised they didn’t outright cancel it. Question for anyone who might know, will ticket holders be reimbursed for a postponed show? if not that would be really lame

  4. if anywhere could handle it, it would be LA.. these organizers made the festival look like a joke. i would say try again next year, but nah i think hitc should just get water cannons and it’ll go over better

  5. Quick! Everyone act surprised!

    You could’ve seen this happen a mile away. These festivals are just not worth it. People would rather spend the money on their group having their own standalone concert.

    If you saw ATEEZ in Citi Field a month ago like me, you basically did Waterbomb anyways.

  6. I’m surprised they left the comments on. 😬
    Over 700+ already ripping them (as they should) to shreds.

  7. multistansendhelp on

    Yeah…they’re saying “postponed” but with how the management of this whole event has gone…I would hedge my bets on it being properly cancelled.

    Their final floor plan iteration made the most sense, but by that point many people had decided to wait it out and see if it got cancelled or if tickets were heavily discounted.

  8. Given how successful it is in Korea and Japan, I really didn’t think Waterbomb would be one of the festivals to get it wrong elsewhere. But I’m guessing the local organisers are mostly to blame for this mess, thinking they could just milk US fans like every other organiser thinks they can do now. I think we’re all (including Europe) over it tbh.

    Hopefully they try again and do it properly next time. 

  9. I’ve been to multiple Waterbombs in Korea and it was always well organized and fun. Let’s stop trying to make this a global thing cause it’s not happening. Some international cities have done well but overall the promoters for most of these events are a joke.

    Nobody to blame but themselves, pathetic excuses and zero real accountability. Not posting prices and a seating map until 8 hours before the sale was 100% intentional because they knew it would cause controversy. The prices didn’t even match up with the vague numbers they provided beforehand. Then the back tracking, lowering prices, switching layout, removing VIP, adding VIP completely turned everyone away. I feel bad for people who booked flights and hotels.

  10. I’m honestly so bummed. I was really excited. I live in la so I’m not out any money once I get my refund from axs, but I was really excited. I’ll take a sloppy event with that lineup over no event. Ateez are my ults, but a lot of the soloists are artists I really enjoy who I’ll probably never see otherwise.

  11. I was going to be a bit busy this month anyways so best if the show was canceled but I really wanted to see Jay Park and Jessi live 😭

  12. Oh, no. How totally unexpected. Wow. If only there had been a way to prevent this.

    Sarcasm aside, I’m glad it’s canceled. Less water waste.

  13. definition of ruining what could’ve been a great thing with your own greed and selfishness lmao

  14. boringestlawyer on

    It sucks how badly this appears to have unraveled considering how long people have wanted waterbomb to come to the states

  15. lets get the timeline down.

    – announces waterbomb LA for the same year
    – a month before event lists out the artist
    – few days after announces the prices with weird seating and GA and VIP sections
    – tickets go on sale a few days later with one day costing $350+ with a 10% discount for buying two days.

    – backlash and they reduce it $280
    – backlash again and they reduce it further and change it to all GA
    – postponed now.

    better storyline than twilight and fyre fest.

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