1. It’s finally here. They also fixed the power point transitions. It’s much better now in my opinion. We can even see more of the male actor lol.
    With this and they starting promotions soon I hope people start talking more about the music and the performances. They have so much potential to be a great group. And their chemistry so far seem really nice.

  2. def seems they needed some more takes with most of it but hey its better! would have been cute to do a performance mv out on the grass but idk if they filmed enough.

  3. the video is very interesting because they have some that looks quite good then some cut that looks extremely nugu budget (esp the dancing part with pink background)

  4. charisma_bossbaby on

    yo the chorus is so fun (idk about the rest of the song tho)

    also mashiro looking extra pretty these days

  5. One_Truth_Prevails on

    It’s still really rough around the edges but this entire promotional period has been really rough, still glad they came around on this.

    I hope their next comebacks have enough time to cook, can’t let this happen again my man. This group is too damn good to lose their shot at success to mismanagement even if it has good intentions.

  6. Much better. Poor girls didn’t dance the whole choreo in 3 sets for ai to take over. I’m glad they’ve listened!

  7. Did they emergency film this or did they really have this extra footage and choose to use the ugly AI instead for the original? Either way I like the vibe of this one and the extended use of the record store setting made more sense than the first cut.

  8. Deep_Needleworker_44 on

    The budget for editors must really be in the negatives bcs where is the color grading? Why is there just so many snippets of what appears to be stock footage of nature? It’s like they spent the entire budget on filming and then put the video together on their phone or iMovie. The song is great and the girls deserve sm better. They need to just hire a good freelancer to edit the videos bcs they can’t do it themselves clearllly.

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