Step by step process on how to vote

Step 1: Download the IDOLCHAMP app on iOS or Android

Step 2: Enter the app and confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions

Step 3: Create an account using your Google, Facebook, or Kakaotalk account.

Step 4: Once logged in you will be told of a currency that is used inside of the app called chamsims aka hearts.

Step 5: Collect chamsims by clicking on the home page on the bottom left corner of the app and than scroll up until you see the “Today’s mission” section.

Step 6: Complete the missions and watch the ads. Keep in mind that for the quizzes you can not redo them so make sure you get a perfect score.

Step 7: Click the vote page on the bottom center of the app and than scroll up or down until you see the “[ShowChampion] The 2nd week of September”

Step 8: Click on “ShowChampion”, click on candidate and than use your chamsims to vote for “Run Away”.

by Lairic99

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