240908 What are your all time favorite aespa songs??

by airkamilek


  1. – Lucid Dream
    – I’ll Make You Cry
    – Yeppi Yeppi
    – Dreams Come True
    – Thirsty
    – Forever
    – Hold on Tight

    How do you check this?

  2. If you’re going by streams
    1. Lucid Dream
    2. Black Mamba
    3. Savage
    4. Dreams Come True
    5. Next Level
    6. Hold On Tight
    7. ICU
    8. Aenergy
    9. Yeppi Yeppi
    10. Drama

  3. My most-listened-to kpop song of all time is Illusion. Then a bit further down the list is Black Mamba, and Supernova a bit below that.

  4. Drama

    Better things

    Welcome to MY world





    The list is literally endless, I could name every song

  5. SapphireHeaven on

    Illusion, Thirsty, Live My Life, Welcome to MY World, Hold On Tight are probably my top 5 in random order

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