1. CherryBlossomEnding on

    The above is Starship’s goodbye message.

    From [Jeong Sewoon’s Fancafe](https://m.cafe.daum.net/official-jeongsewoon/RIsz/347?):

    >This is Starship Entertainment.
    >First, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all of you who have supported and shown us your unconditional love for Jeong Sewoon.
    >We and Jeong Sewoon have had long and sincere discussions about future activities, but unfortunately, we have concluded our exclusive contract.
    >We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the hard work and dedication Jeong Sewoon has shown as an artist under our agency.
    >Although our exclusive contract has ended, we will respect Jeong Sewoon’s choice and support and cheer on his future path.
    >We hope that Jeong Sewoon, who is taking new steps, will always be blessed with good luck as he has always been.
    >Thank you.

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