1. Didn’t really enjoy the verses, but I really like the chorus and the ending dance break.

    I do think the enterity of the song will grown on me

  2. The Gag of Sooin having the prettiest Tone ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)visuals aside, they’re giving nugu-core I fear. The song sounds like 0 effort has been put to it. But tbf, I have no expectations with teddy.

  3. I was really looking forward to MEOVV but I have to say I’m disappointed. The song didn’t really do anything for me tbh

  4. I expected more, but it wasn’t bad. I would say it’s slightly different from what Teddy has been putting out in the last decade. Ella has such a beautiful voice!

  5. Anyway, We pushing Sooin Main Vocal Agenda. She surprised me because she’s giving main dancer vibes

  6. withtherisingstars on

    I didn’t like this😢 I thought teddy will surprise me and do something completely different but it seems I had too much expectations. I feel like a song like lovesick girls would have suit them better and made them stand out more in this gen. This song is forgettable, but I’m glad they didn’t give them any ridiculous raps.

    The girls look good, talented and the choreo is great too . I hope we get better songs as their career continues.

  7. My fav part was the dance break.. I didn’t fall in love with the song immediately, but I’m gonna watch their stages and see if it’ll grow on me

  8. DaniBanani2207 on

    Kind of dissapointed ngl… Sounds like a nugu wanna-be BP song? Obviously produced by TEDDY, but I miss some flavor from him in this track.

  9. I’m kind of let down by the MV tbh. I expected it to be more quirkier based on the teasers. But the set designs, styling and the direction were very generic. Very much a “nothing really happens, but here’s some gorgeous girls” kind of MV. Very YG too. They could have done alot more with the cat imagery they had going on.

    The song will need some more listens but I’m loving the girls vocal tones alot!

  10. I actually wasn’t expecting Narin’s voice to be that deep

    Also, I’m adding Sooin to my list of favourite idol voices

  11. It’s uhm… idk what to say about this one. The “yuh yuh yuh” gets stale very quickly (mostly cause of how basically 50% of the song is this), and pretty much leans into obnoxious. The pre-chorus and verses are decent, but that’s pretty much it. It needs more oomph and better hooks.

  12. somehardfeelings on

    Is it just me or does the production sound so empty. Like the song wants to be big and anthem like but the beat is just so stale and boring

  13. I can’t take a debut song seriously when it talks about taking over and being the best. Kinda like Lisa from Blackpink going BRRRT with the gun motion.

    Who is believing that right now.

  14. The song and the MV are a bit lacking and feels a bit by the numbers. The member teasers showed they have a lot of potential so I’ll remain positive

  15. Long-Sherbet3228 on

    The main rapper was really good, loved her tone and delivery. The rest of the song just fell flat. The other members didn’t really bring anything to the song worth noting, to be fair tho, the song itself wasn’t doing them favours. Also wish the mv was better, the sets were nice but not cohesive or utilised properly. Hope the next song is better

  16. im crying at how polarizing these comments are, people either love it or hate it, there doesn’t seem to be an overall consensus 😭 i see the vision though, maybe i would’ve wished for something more “grand” as the debut track but the girls sound gorgeous and i see myself listening to this again. sooin is such a star!!!!

  17. Plenty_Possible4710 on

    I feel like we didn’t get a feel for any of the members’ voices.

    I know it’s a debut, but look at how Blackpink came with Boombayah. This isn’t giving the same punch. It was a lot of unfortunate noise.

    How do we go from 2NE1 to Blackpink to this kind of music?

    I saw someone said this was giving Itzy… Their debut was more successful than this.

  18. I can (sort of?) see the appeal, but this is just bad imo.

    Prechorus is the only decent part of the song, that chorus is terrible and the verses are really forgettable 😭

    For a group this “hyped,” it’s a letdown for me. ~~I know I’m judging it quite heavily for a predebut song, and I really do hope their debut is a lot better,~~ but I feel like this just sounds more nugu than anything.

    The choreo is pretty good though, I’ll give them that.

  19. I absolutely hate the Yo yo yo chant. Don’t know how I feel about the song overall just yet, however I enjoyed Elle and another girls tone a lot.

  20. Divided on the song. It’s an okay song, I wouldn’t mind it as a b-side on an EP but for a debut single alone, I expected a better pay-off at the end. Throw stones at me but it’s one of the songs that would have benefited the party chorus lmao. Understandable that it would have leaded to way more comparisons with Babymonster tho.

    Nice tone from Gawon, looking forward to hear more from her

  21. I cannot believe this is their debut song..after all that hype? I didn’t like BabyMonster’s Batter Up debut but that’s miles better than this.. Looks like Teddy didn’t even produce the song either.

  22. The vocals sounds promising but are not showcased well. The song is just rap talking and yuh yuh yuh being repeated. Sounds to short and monotone. Could’ve been better.

  23. DrunkenSnorlax on

    Nope. It’s boring. It’s so empty for a -3 minute song. None of it is on the members, their label just needs to be better. It’s so much same old, same old.

  24. Agreeable-Pair7267 on

    I’m glad I didn’t expect too much but still it’s underwhelming. The hype went down quickly, but I love Gawon’s voice. They better have a good song next time.

  25. Decent. Not bad, but not great either. The MV, though, is all over the place. What even is the concept…? Wish they leaned more on the “meow” brand, something related to cats. Also, they all looked… bored? I think the brief was to look fierce, but their facial expressions look very empty throughout the video.

  26. It’s not terrible, the pre chorus is actually really nice. But I seriously cannot take another song about “I’m the best, I’m rich and famous, you can’t touch me.” Especially from a group that just debuted and is comprised of all teenagers.

    It’s so stale.

  27. the song is mid but I’m more worried about how they blend in with nugu groups instead of having stronger brand, I need to see the comeback

  28. The verse were really good but too much “Yah yah yah” and the ending was soooo anti climatic. Need to go longer with vocals and adlibs

  29. Active_Ad_9103 on

    The song is kinda…well, boring for me. I moved a bit during the pre-chorus, but when I heard the ‘meow meow meow’ and ‘yo yo yo,’ I just scratched my head. They have the vocals, visuals, and dance moves, but I hope TBL gives them something more impactful because this song isn’t it. But who knows, maybe after listening to it again and again, my opinion might change.

    Also, Sooin is so promising. I’ll still look forward to more from them!

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