1 Comment

  1. [OA](https://x.com/oddatelier/status/1831921693860008379?s=12)
    >hello. This is OA Entertainment.

    >We would like to express our gratitude to all the fans who love and cherish our artist Jennie.

    >Recently, illegally produced publications and fake news containing false information impersonating the artist’s father have been continuously distributed. We would like to make it clear that these are clearly false facts and have nothing to do with the artist. Please be careful about purchasing illegally produced publications and take special care not to suffer damages related to this. We are taking legal action against the distributor through a law firm on grounds of defamation and obstruction of business due to the spread of false information.

    >In addition, we are taking legal action against malicious post writers who spread false information about our artists, including defamation, sexual harassment, and malicious slander. Such acts are clearly crimes, and we would like to inform you that we will continue to take strong legal action without leniency based on the evidence collected. We will continue to do our best to protect the rights and interests of our artists.

    >thank you.

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