240906 IVE Japan Official Twitter Update with Rei – Handwritten letter to DIVE

by TreacherousHuman


  1. TreacherousHuman on

    [post link](https://x.com/ivestarship_jp/status/1831893348996804645?s=46) | trans:

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    To DIVE

    After finishing the first day of our concert, I thought hard about how to best convey my feelings to DIVE. In the end, I decided that expressing my emotions through a handwritten letter, something I love, would be the best way.

    First of all, I feel so incredibly happy that we, IVE, were able to perform at Tokyo Dome, a dream we had always cherished, in front of 95,000 DIVE fans over two days. It was a truly unforgettable experience.

    As I mentioned yesterday, when I was a child, I attended a concert at Tokyo Dome, holding my mother’s hand, sitting far back on the fourth floor. At that moment, I thought to myself, “I want to become someone who shines on such a beautiful stage.” And now, my dream has come true.

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    As I spend time with DIVE every day, I find myself achieving various goals. And to think, my big dream has come true so quickly—it’s all thanks to my precious members and DIVE.

    We, IVE, were able to perform with warmth in our hearts because of the support from everyone who has always loved and cared for us.

    From the day I had my dream, my beloved family has supported me wholeheartedly, ensuring I didn’t feel lonely even on tough nights during our 11-month world tour. I’m deeply grateful to them for everything.

    I feel so relieved that all of my cherished members and I could stand on the final stage of our world tour, healthy and full of energy.

    From here on out, IVE will keep running forward, never stopping. DIVE, are you ready to keep up with us?

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    Finally, I want to say that during the world tour, there were tough times, but I’m glad we could share so many emotions together as a team. I’m truly grateful to all of the members, who worked so hard.

    Being part of this group with everyone is the greatest happiness of my life.

    To all the DIVE who came today, and to all the staff who helped make this world tour a reality, I want to express my deepest gratitude.

    Thank you for presenting us with two dreamlike days, filled with so much happiness, right up to the very end of DIVE.

    Let’s continue to move forward together!

    With love,

    From Rei

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