1. I’m slightly confused, is there a reason he apologized again? is it bcs of media pressure or is this standard?

  2. SweetestHoney- on

    I can’t even begin to imagine what Yoongi is feeling coupled with the pressure and guilt that it has affected the members and his family.

    I truly hope he is getting the mental health support he needs during this time 🖤

  3. I fucking hate he was clearly pressured to apologize again for this. The media and All the “outraged” public disgust me

  4. lisafancypants on

    I can’t. 😭 I need to give him a hug. Like *really* need to hug him right now.

    I sincerely hope he knows ARMY loves him no matter what. And that we’re not going anywhere. If anything, this has strengthened the bond, imo. We’ve seen ARMY coming together in way that we haven’t seen in a long time. He has to know. Please let him know.

  5. ambivert_writer on

    Nooo this is too much?? Would it be a good idea to tell him he hasn’t disappointed me, personally, to point out that he’s just human and should be allowed the grace to make mistakes without fear of judgment and reprisal? I hate that he has to keep apologizing like this and I want to tell him to stop because the first time is already more than enough for me??

  6. our sweet yoongi, im going to cry. he has apologized four times now, not counting all the apologies within his apologies. i feel so bad. this has been blown completely out of proportion

  7. I just want him to know what we all are on his side and that this too will pass. I hope he knows it’s all media drama and BS.

  8. Thanks, I hate this. (The fact that he has to keep apologising.) I really hope he’s doing ok and has people around him to help him through this. The mental toll must be agonising.

  9. nightowlchilling on

    Like a lot of us here, I was one of those to initially point out that what he did was wrong, not trivial, and he should bear the consequences as per the law. But this media hounding and the putting under a scanner for 15 days is just too much. What he deserved was being punished as any regular citizen. This is heightened punishment he’s facing with so much scrutiny. I guess unfortunately with all the love of fans, fame and money, also comes all these negatives. It’s sad. He shouldn’t have to apologize so many times.

  10. it might be the automatic translation but that letter is heartbreaking. it reads as if he did the worst thing imaginable.

    i still don’t like what he did, but he took accountability from the beginningwhich is admirable. the media witch hunt was unfathomable. the social punishment doesn’t fit the crime imo. ~~tbh I’m glad i only witnessed bits and pieces of it, that was enough~~

    ngl i was scared it was another kind of announcement….

    hopefully this can pass now. i can’t wait for 2025 to have jim and the rest of the members back to show them how much their music means, regardless of what happend

  11. I am heartbroken about this whole situation. I hate how he’s been treated, and I feel more sorry for him than anything. He’s been made to feel ashamed, and I hate that feels he needs to apologize to us like this. It was a mistake, and it’s turned into a huge thing where people are calling his character into question.

    Min Yoongi is still someone I admire wholeheartedly, and I hope he’s getting the support he needs and deserves. We know what kind of person he is – someone who is kind, hardworking, sincere and caring. While the media and haters may attack, I hope he sees that ARMY is standing with him and will continue to stand with him.

  12. ghosttigersrise on

    honestly, my heart sank when i started reading. the past 3ish weeks must have been very difficult for him.

    i wish this could all have been handled in private.

    ^(the weverse translation making him drive that thing all the way to india.)

  13. adaliahscandie on

    breaks my heart that he has to apologise again for doing something so harmless. wish the members and his family are able to give him the support and comfort he needs right now. he doesn’t deserve any of this nonsense going on

  14. reading how sorry he is and how he thinks he’s disappointed the members and us when this has all been blown way out of proportion because of the media and antis, god my heart hurts so, so much for him…

    yoongi i really hope you know we accept that you’ve acknowledged your wrongdoings, but that you also hear our love and support over the voices scrutinising and slandering you. no matter what, please believe us when we say apobangpo, future’s gonna be ok 💜

  15. KookiesMikrokosmos on

    He didn’t have to apologize again. He took responsibility right away.

    My heart breaks for him. I can’t imagine how he feels after the witch hunt the media has put him through.

    I hope he is okay. And I hope he knows that ARMY is by his side.

    The police needs to get the investigation done ASAP so this circus can finally be over. I hope he can heal from all this bs 😔

  16. AmphibianWaste5205 on

    Fuck anyone whoever made him feel like he had to apologize again! Hate hate hate this! He apologized already! 2 apologies for falling off a scooter he rode slower than his airport walk! To everyone who is milking this for their stupid grudges, jealousy and personal gain, karma is waiting!

  17. **It hurts to see what this has become. I worry for him.**

    Of course I don’t want to minimise DUI, but c’mooooon. This has been an absolute circus. Completely blown out of proportion. Not to be dramatic, but it’s shit like this that ends lives, and media needs to be held accountable.

    I hope he knows he’s not defined by his mistakes, and I hope our love and support outshines whatever garbage is going on out there.

  18. This whole situation is making me so mad, sure he fucked up but the media circus that followed is so crazy I can’t even pu it into words? I hate that he was pressured to apologize again, the first one was enough.

    I hope this mean we can move on now, and I can’t wait to see Big Hit sue all those media once the situation is settled.

  19. chocchipcookiedough1 on

    I hope he knows how much love and support ARMY has for him. 💜

    This has been dragging on for way too long now. He made a mistake, owned up to it and apologised. Everyone makes mistakes.

  20. This is too much 😭

    I know he’s doing this for the K side of things. But I hope he knows a lot of ARMY are behind him and understand him even without the excessive apologies 😢

  21. I never needed another apology, this actually hurts 😔. I hope he has strong support around him and him and the rest of them can finally put this behind them.

  22. This just really hurts my heart. He has apologised so many times and taken accountability for his actions. I can’t even fathom what he’s going through right now, the media are utter scum. I really hope he sees how loved and supported he is. Yoongi gave so many of us so much comfort in our darkest days; I truly hope he can find that comfort in us too, especially with seeing how ARMY have come together in recent days 💜

  23. zikachhakchhuak on

    This properly broke my heart 🙁 Oh Yoongi. I hope he knows that it’s only love and support from our side, and that we all just want him to be okay.

    I’m not seeing this as something negative forced on him by the media and all the fake outrage from antis, but something he’s been wanting to do since the incident, that he can finally get off his chest since he’s done with atleast his part in the investigation. His first post was mainly to address the incident itself and get his side of the story out before news broke, so I think this longer post talking to us and the members is something he’s been wanting to do. They always want to talk to us directly when things happen, and not being able to talk about his feelings to us must have been painful. I’m glad now he finally feels free to do it.

    I understand his feelings and how sorry he is towards us and the others, but it hurts so much to read 🙁 I hope after this, he reads all the fan letters and supportive posts on Weverse, and knows that he’s loved and has a whole ARMY backing him 💜 Now I’m even more determined to show my support and love.

  24. This squeezes my heart so tight, it’s just awful that he feels he has to/ is pressured to, apologise again. 🥺🧡

  25. littlerunaway1984 on

    this made me angry. he did not need to apologize again. if the members (and their families) are having a hard time, we all know whose fault is that, and it’s not Yoongi.

  26. This is actually making me furious. How many times does he have to apologise for something so small? He had a minor screw up and paid the price, why isn’t everyone moving on? The way media and some people have acted over this is much much worse than what he did, yet nobody else is apologising.

    I hope despite these apologies, he knows that this is not that big of a deal and majority of Army are on his side in this madness.

  27. I hate this. My heart is breaking to pieces. I won’t dare count the number of times he said sorry but as far as ARMY is concerned, once is enough. This is too much. 💔

  28. he really didn’t need to apologize so many times for this, it just goes to show how big his heart is. this is seriously making my blood boil, and i hope he has friends and family checking in on him lots.

    solos and kmedia, you are the scum of this earth and i hope you get back what you’re giving out tenfold.

  29. This is too much. How many times do they want him to apologize for a victimless crime where no one including himself got hurt. Jfc

  30. I’m so angry, at KMedia blowing this out of proportion for the clicks and also to assert the control over BTS they never had to begin with. At people who want to break this man, for any reason. At people who stay quiet because it’s not ‘their’ group… Y’all, this and worse will also happen to your groups.

    I’m so angry. And all I want is to hug him, put a blanket around him, and just tell him everything is going to be okay. We’re not going anywhere without you.

  31. everyone please leave nice messages on weverse and other social platforms for him !! we’re also in the middle of recharting haegeum on spotify, and buying polar night and the last on iTunes!

  32. He really didn’t need to do that especially for the 4th time. Praying for his mental strength & that the worst is over now.

  33. He shouldn’t have had to do this, this is so heartbreaking. Fuck the media and everything else that’s put this amount of pressure and vilification on him, he has NEVER deserved it.

    I’m so worried for him. He made a mistake, yes, and should face consequences, yes, but as someone else said, this is hugely beyond what any normal citizen would deal with, and the fact he’s done everything so far with grace is a testament to HIM. Please let him get the support he needs and that this whole shit show will be done soon. I never wanna see another notification from him until his release day. Please let him be okay…

  34. MotorPuzzlehead7 on

    >I will try and repent to never do anything wrong again

    Out of everything, I think it’s this particular line that pains me the most. I really, really despise SK netizens’ standards for perfection. I hate the idea of someone being an “idol” and the way it elevates mere humans into god status where they cannot ever do anything wrong. I just can’t imagine living with the burden that I must never ever make a mistake for as long as I live. It’s so insane to me. I just hope and pray that he finds a way to forgive himself for this very human error of judgment, and that it doesn’t continue to cause him mental anguish.

  35. Intelligent_Sell_266 on

    I couldn’t read the letter in its entirety.
    I skimmed it, saw the word apologize I don’t know how many times and couldn’t help but feel “this is wrong”.

    The only comfort I get is seeing the amazing solidarity and support army showed him in the past few weeks.

    I can’t wait for this whole case to be over. A traffic violation should never have been such a big deal.

  36. This makes me sad. I hope he knows that any initial slight disappointment I had, barely reaches the depths of the disappointment and hurt I’ve felt because of the Korean media and police handling of it, which was illegal, excessive and inhumane. 

    At the end of the day he’s a human with flaws, and no one should be expected to live without making any mistakes ever. What’s important is what’s in their hearts, and that if you do make a mistake, you own up to it and make up for it. Which I think we’ve all felt already from Yoongi. 

  37. I am so beyond *furious* with the media for making him feel this way. He does **not** need to apologise *again* for something was blown out of proportion.

    Reading this broke my heart.

  38. NewtRipley_1986 on

    I’m so angry.

    He did not need to do this. I understand from a PR perspective someone thought it was needed but it’s not.

    He hasn’t hurt anyone, other than maybe his own ego – which is also understandable … who doesn’t feel that way after public mistakes.

    I hate that society has made him feel like a horrible criminal and is putting this ridiculous level of pressure on him. I hope he knows that the fans are strong and believe & deeply support him and BTS.

    This has gone on far too long and I do blame a lot of outside forces for how asinine this has become. It’s time to move on, move forward.

  39. I am not gonna lie. My heart broke into a million pieces reading that. Dear sweet Yoongi! We accepted the first apology. I hate that you have to keep apologising. It isn’t right or fair! Please don’t hang your head! Lift that beautiful face up! We know you made a mistake. You owned up to it and apologised. The only ones who should be hanging their heads are the media (not all, but we know who they are!) Shame on them! We love you! We just want to give you a big hug and tell you everything is gonna be ok! It is, I swear! We are here with you and for you. BTS is 7. Don’t you dare go anywhere. Please know you are so so loved! Keep fighting the good fight!

  40. Calm-Gazelle-2915 on

    Every single person who contributed to this extreme degradation and dehumanization of Yoongi will live in fear of 2025.

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