1. [post link](https://weverse.io/bts/artist/2-147914595)

    oh yoongi… my heart hurts so much for him 😔 he doesn’t deserve any of this.

    “my carelessness is giving everyone who cares about me a hard time”

    yoongi please believe us when we say we love and support you and our main concern is for your mental and physical health, that you’re ok 🙁

  2. This shouldn’t be happening to any human being. He shouldn’t feel this broken up over it. It was a minor violation and it’s been blown up like he committed involuntary manslaughter.

    The Korean Media need a reckoning.

  3. It’s 3am, I’m sleep deprived, I need someone to physically hold me back before I set buildings on fire.

  4. brealreadytaken on

    I was so excited to see him post but then… omg! i was really afraid for a second i was going to read the words “leaving” or something terrible.

    its already worse enough that such an everyday mistake has been blown up so viciously. i understand that he doesn’t want the media to twist his words but i really want to hear that he is being taken care of by bts, friends family whoever.

    like i know realistically the people that truly love him are there for him right now, but i really wish i could just hear him say he’s ok… 💜

    please be ok yoongi now and always 💜💜

    (also that india mis-translation gagged me for a sec bc that fake cctv footage was from india…)

  5. He doesn’t need to apologise anymore. The first apology was enough.
    The media **vultures** have caused so much pain and anguish.

  6. glitter_kitty1994 on

    I hope I’m wrong but now I’m wondering if some big news is going to be coming. My spidey senses are tingling but not in a good way.

  7. man idek what to say anymore. the fact that it got to this point with him having to apologise AGAIN and with a handwritten letter at that…… the things i wanna say rn will get me banned

  8. Oh, Yoongi 😢. Let me curse all the hateful little shits that overblew this issue. 

     I hope you also feel the love. Will see you in 2025!

  9. Fuck you kmedia.

    Yoongi doesn’t deserve this shit and we didn’t need another apology. I’m so angry and upset that he felt he had to write this.

    I truly hope he’s doing okay 💜

  10. I hope this doesn’t send him to a dark place, I hope Jin can be a comfort to him. I’m sorry this has been such a tough time. My heart is with him. My mind is angry for him.

  11. umbrellabird75 on

    I sincerely hope a PR person wrote these words bc the thought of Yoongi being this overwhelmed with shame and regret is just so sad 😞 To go through all of this without his members to reassure and support him, with possibly too much time to ruminate on the “if onlys”…that’s a punishment in itself. I hope he is taking care of himself and being looked after by his loved ones.

  12. PoetrySuper2583 on

    Oh Yoongi. I hope this doesn’t weigh too hard on him in the future. I hope this is just a moment that will pass and become very small someday. I say that not referring to the incident but the absolute witch hunt and terror the kmedia has put upon him for almost 20 days straight.

    I wish we could go to the first moment he’s with army again in a crowd. I wish we could go to the second he introduces himself and he hears the MASSIVE screams for him. I can’t take him there right now and my heart is broken for him again.

    Wishing him healing and love and the downfall of every reporter that has written about him.

  13. I didn’t know what to expect but it certainly wasn’t another apology. I hate that it’s being dragged into the court of public opinion, when in fact it needs to be dealt with legally. I knew it was going to be bad, but I guess I underestimated how bad it was going to get.

    I don’t know what K-media want from him. I don’t know why there is such a disproportionate reaction to this. Is this an excuse to drag one of the biggest exports of their country because they’ve otherwise been squeaky clean? Is it to drive up their ratings?

    I’ve been worried for Yoongi’s mental health all through this and I think a lot of us have been too. I hope he’s leaning on his support system and knows that we’re behind him. My heart hurts for him. 💔😞

  14. This is what I feared the most, him feeling that he had disappointed the members and that he has let the team down.

    I sincerely hope that he has a good support system.

  15. Moonlighteverafter on

    I am praying for the shame and embarrassment of every single individual that has taken part of this and a reform of Korean media.

    The only way is to shame and call them out, I pray BTS realize their country’s media needs to be called out, they have done their duty, have gone above and beyond for their country and that’s how they repay them.

    Bighit and BTS both need to realize they are never gonna get the respect they deserve by being the good guys.

    I am so frustrated and angry.

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