1. premolarparty on

    Love this album and it has been on loop today! And sorry for being crass (but I think a few of you might appreciate my silly NSFW sense of humor), my Agust D playlist is of course named >! ‘I want the D’ !< 😁

  2. repressedpauper on

    I’ve been listening to Agust D (the song lol) nonstop since it was released on Spotify. What an icon.

  3. PoetrySuper2583 on

    Streaming HARD today

    I always get sad thinking about how much pain Yoongi had gone through during the making of this record and how revolutionary it was for an idol to make an honest record about his mental health.

    Thinking about 140503 at Dawn where he ends with these lyrics before he goes into his confessional The Last which ends with him reassuring us that he’s okay. Sort of reminds me of Joon asking if we’ll stay after the credits roll.

    괜히 괜찮은 척 괜시리 열심히 강한 척

    needlessly pretending that I’m okay, and pretending hard that I’m strong,

    하며 내 앞에 놓아 버린 벽 들어오지마

    I built a wall in front of me, “Don’t come inside”

    난 이 넓은 바다의 섬 날 버리지마

    I’m an island in this wide ocean, “Don’t abandon me”

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