1. Its concerning how armys were sharing memes of the incident and saying it was just a beer – this level of BAC is comatose level for reference. From ALL kpop idol DUI scandals this is the highest alcohol level yet.

  2. IreneTheWorld on

    This is…not the story I had thought it was. I admit I had thought it was a little silly at first, like driving a golf cart while buzzed on vacation but….everytime information comes out it sounds worse.

  3. Mobile-Structure5702 on

    It’s extremely disappointing that he and BigHit lied. I still don’t think he should be crucified for the incident because a mistake is a mistake, but lying implies premeditation and I simply don’t know where to go from there. I don’t even hold these idols to any standards like that and they still manage to fall short. People sha😒

  4. bombaysparkle on

    This is terrible. I’m disappointed in Yoongi.
    Drunk driving is NOT ok. Regardless of type of vehicle.

    And choosing to do this while having every means to avoid this in the world is even worse.

    Need yoongi to immediately own upto this. And accept whatever punishment is applicable, Serve it and never EVER drive again.

  5. moonflowers_blooming on

    😳 that’s pretty high. That’s like black out level. Definitely not just one drink.

  6. God, this is disappointing. Yoongi is one of my ults, it sucks seeing this kind of behavior from him.

    I really hope this isn’t indicative of more serious problems with alcohol. I’m so, so grateful that he didn’t hurt anyone, himself included.

    Idk how well he’ll come back from this with the Korean public, especially with how the release on information has been so botched. It’s a good thing he’s still got 10 months left on military service, hopefully he’ll stay out of the news after this.

  7. Vast_Implement_8537 on

    0.2 is crazy… This should hopefully be a major wake up call for him. Really lucky no one got hurt, and that he didn’t hurt himself driving an electric scooter while being that drunk

  8. I haven’t been vocal when this news came out but utter madness on socials when fans blindly sided with your favourite to the extent of mocking the law by saying “oh just a scooter”. Yes, I know a bulk of fans are probably youngsters but it was so difficult to navigate through those comments esp. on TikTok which btw are top liked by a mile by miles I meant in multiple of ten thousands…

    Also this concentration limit is VERY high… almost 3 times the limit…

  9. InterestingSwim6701 on

    Watch selected fans defend this and say how everyone is overreacting and be like “omo our little boi Suga riding in a scooter fell at his house haha so funny so cute”

  10. tired_of_smiling on

    His fans on Twitter shouldn’t have downplayed the situation with memes of a cat on a scooter. DUI is a serious issue. If he ends up in jail, will they joke about a cat behind bars? Some things shouldn’t be trivialized. The discussions on r/bangtan were more balanced and thoughtful compared to Twitter, but that’s not surprising given the nature of Twitter K-pop fans.

  11. Oh my gosh, that’s absolutely insane, especially when you take into consideration that it was a weekday and he had to go to work the next day. I know that I would be so hungover at work if I drank that much the night before.

  12. interpol-interpol on

    like 2 dozen people died in korea last year from accidents involving these vehicles. just a few weeks ago a 60 year old woman died from a brain hemorrhage after being hit. if i continue to see so many ARMY insist it was “just a scooter” and okay bc “no one got hurt” i am going to lose it. anyone minimizing this is encouraging public endangerment. many people die a year and furthermore it’s disrespectful to the people who have died and their loved ones to act like this is no biggie.

    edit: [source](https://m.koreatimes.co.kr/pages/article.amp.asp?newsIdx=380011) for the 2023 figures & news [report](https://www.pannchoa.com/2024/08/instiz-exclusive-elderly-couple-taking.html?m=1) on the recently passed elderly woman who was hit

  13. euphoricplant9633 on

    This is getting worse and worse. I can’t believe some of his fans were (and still are) downplaying how serious a DUI is. It’s immature and dangerous.

  14. Either way it already damaged his reputation. I think he just has to own up to it and show he’s going to take steps to not do it again. Drinking while driving any mobile vehicle isn’t new, especially when it comes to celebrities in Korea.

  15. SyuusukeFuji on

    He has to pay whatever consequences law gives him, but damn, you can tell some people are clearly salivating over this behind their “real concern”.

  16. dontbedesserts on

    The whole situation just makes me sad. I’m glad that Yoongi was caught and that no one was hurt. We could be reading very different news.

    Suga’s music has helped millions around the world, I wouldn’t wish for this to cost him his career. At the same time, I hope his statement wasn’t empty words and that he realizes the gravity of the situation. There have been so many witch hunts against BTS – remember Jungkook’s fender bender? After a point, it all starts to blend together. This is not that. Hope ARMYs have the maturity to realize this, and especially hope Yoongi does.

  17. BaoReeceyang on

    I don’t get why they tried to originally omit this number, like surely they’d have the foresight to think about how bad it would be when the details came out?

  18. LoveitaAdams on

    Absolutely shocking. He should be punished with the full extent of the law. Hopefully he doesn’t get away with this just bc he’s famous

  19. I always worry about his alcohol consumption but I can’t dare talk about it, because fans will immediately reply with ” he’s an adult and knows what he is doing” without remembering that most alcoholics are adults…

    He is my favorite musician of the group but I truly wish he would stop drinking 😢

  20. mynameismyname333 on

    For anyone like me who doesn’t know what exact level 0.2 pct would be, according to Google it’s the stage where most people experience a “blackout,” having no memory of all or part of what happened during the period their BAC was at this level.

  21. Bro that’s insane. Do they read pct different from America cause 0.08 is the legal limit here. 0.2 is like alcohol poisoning

  22. frugalLeader on

    Crazy so he drank the equivalent of 6 drinks and left on his scooter. He’s lucky to be alive today. The vast majority of people on these electric scooters who get hurt are the drivers. To be ‘that drunk’ and on it is crazy. I hope he stays in the group! I really do, I’m willing to say give him another chance. It isn’t my business, but I think he should really evaluate his relationship with alchol.

  23. CricketCool2520 on

    In case its unclear how bad a 0.227 is:

    **0.02 – 0.04%** – buzzed

    **0.08 – 0.010%** – the legal limit in most countries, your vision, speech, balance and judgement are all impaired

    **0.10 – 0.12%** – Obvious physical impairment and speech may be slurred

    **0.13 – 0.15%** – Blurred vision, loss of coordination and balance, and potentially dysphoria (anxiety or restlessness).

    **0.16 – 0.19%** – The term “sloppy drunk” applies. Dysphoria will become stronger, and nausea may occur. Walking becomes difficult, and you may fall and hurt yourself.

    **0.20 – 0.29%** – Dazed, confused, and disoriented. Balance and muscle control have deteriorated, will need help walking. If injured, pain is numbed. Nausea and vomiting are likely, and an impaired gag reflex could cause you to choke on your own vomit. Blackouts occur at this blood alcohol level.

    And considering he was found passed out at the level above, **he could have choked on his vomit and would likely has passed away if he hadn’t been found.**

  24. What he did was wrong, straight up and most ARMY know that.

    He’s immensely lucky that he didn’t hurt anyone or himself.

    He won’t be showing his face until he gets discharged, which is 10 months from now.

  25. Ignoring all the bad faith discussion going on right now, this just screams to me that he has a problem with alcohol. I hope this incident helps him come to terms with this fact and get the help he needs after facing the consequences for his bad decision. It’s really upsetting watching this evolve.

  26. LtColonelColon1 on

    That’s really high. Jesus Christ. I hope he seeks help for this. This is just one part of a long line of concerning behaviour with alcohol.

    On the other hand… why are the police divulging this information to the media? You would think details like this would be kept private during an investigation?

  27. BTS is my ultimate kpop group and I’m OT7. I’m mad and disappointed. Suga and HYBE shouldn’t have rushed to post an apology on Weverse. Now the optics look like he’s purposefully downplaying and lying about the events. Suga has seriously f-ed up. I love him and forgive him but look forward to him addressing this issue and taking accountability.

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