In the spirit of Chanyeol’s new mini album coming out and Baekhyun having his solo comeback I wanted to know, which solo member or subunit has yalls favorite music?

I stream Baekhyun and CBX the most, but all of Kai’s three albums are absolute no skips for me, mostly because he does my favorite genres (Hip hop and R&B) really well. My favorite songs from him are Slidin’ and Nothing On Me.

Recommendations are welcome because I’m due for a revisit to everyone’s discographies!

by somedeath


  1. PomegranateUnited04 on

    I also listen to Baekhyun’s solo work the most and CBX is my favourite subunit, but I have to admit that Kyungsoo’s Popcorn had me in a chokehold ever since it came out 😂. Super obsessed with that song. Very excited to see what Chanyeol comes out with.

  2. SC is 1000% my favorite sub-unit… Both albums are no skips (though, ironically, my least favorite song is Rodeo Station – I know, sacrilege). My favorite b-side is so hard to choose… I think Borderline is probably the one I listen to the most.

    Soloist is hard for me; I think it depends on how I’m feeling. If I want something to kinda groove to, it’s Baekhyun. If I want to sing or feel good, then it’s Suho. If I want to feel peaceful, it’s D.O. (My music library would say Suho comes out on top.)

    Chen is a weird one for me, because he has several individual songs I LOVE, but I struggle to binge/stream him. Similar with Kai. It’s like they scratch an itch I just haven’t had yet.

  3. Aethermist88 on

    For me, DO, Chen and Kai are my fave solos but I know that Chanyeol will be up there when it comes out because I love his voice.

    SC is my fave subunit. I don’t know why, I think I just like more songs from SC then from CBX (although I do still love CBX).

  4. Chen has all my top favorite songs but I skip a lot of the albums overall because I can only take so many ballads, which is probably why Polaris is my fave album from him. Kyungsoo probably for fave albums since they have the least skips for me but I don’t replay any songs to the same degree. 

    CBX music as a subunit, even tho I might prefer SC as a subunit. BUT the unholy amount of times I’ve replayed On Me makes Sehun my most replayed relative to music produced lol

  5. i love love *love* cbx’ discography! it’s just so feel-good and always puts me in a good mood. 🌞 as for solo music, i think i like chen’s and kai’s music the best, but it really depends on my mood~

  6. CBX all the way! When they teased for them at Exo Planet 3 with Resevoir Idols I was utterly gone. The music is so funky and funny, I’m so happy we got four releases by them, and hopefully more to come.
    Solo wise, I do adore them all because they get to shine in their own way, but I can listen to Dyo’s album all day any day.

  7. itskhaleesibaby on

    I’m heavily biased here, but Jongin. I was waiting for so long for him to make his solo debut, and when he did, I instantly was hooked. The overall vibe/sound of the album was so uniquely him, like he was able to have more freedom of creative expression when he debuted, and it really showed in his first FILM: KAI video on YouTube. So many artistic choices were incorporated within the video that blew me away (notably the entirety of the section showcasing “Nothing On Me”). He’s continued to impress me with each release he’s put out since then. I’ve had Amnesia and Peaches on heavy rotation lately. I’m so excited to see what solo material he’ll put out when he comes back from the military.

  8. Mysterious_Editor996 on

    Kai and Baek have some of my favorite songs in their discographies!! My favs

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