General info about the 'RIGHT HERE' Asia tour will be gathered here! We will be directing most questions/discussion about the tour to this post, but please be mindful of spamming the thread.

Please let the mods know if you have any helpful info to add to the post! Most of the info in this post is summarised from Seventeen's official Weverse notices, but please check the links for the most complete information.

⚠️ Info TBA:

  • Goyang livestream
  • Japan venues

Related threads:

Dates & Venues

City Date Venue Additional info
Goyang 12 Oct 2024 (6PM KST) & 13 Oct 2024(5PM KST) Goyang Stadium Announcement, Ticketing (tba), Livestream (tba)

Ticket Sales

Times for open/closing of reservation periods correspond to the city's local timezone. Please see the respective ticketing page linked above for each city for additional info about seat maps, pricing, purchase limits, etc!

"Membership"/"Carat Mobile" refers to those possessing official Global/Japanese Carat memberships, respectively. For details about the Japan ticketing process, please see our guide here.

NOTE: Japanese dates have not been announced yet (as of 2024-08-07 KST)! Please check that you purchased the correct membership for presale!

City Reservation Type Opens Closes Vendor
Goyang (KST) Membership Pre-verification 4 Sept (Wed) 2PM 11 Sept (Wed) 11:59PM Interpark
  Membership Presale 11 Sept (Wed) 8PM 11 Sept (Wed) 11:59PM Interpark
  General Sales 13 Sept (Fri) 8PM Interpark
Japan (tba)        

Goyang Concert:

Seat Type Ticket Price (VAT included)
S Seats KRW 132,000
R Seats KRW 154,000
VIP Seats KRW 198,000

Ticket Sales FAQ

Q) How does the CARAT membership pre-sale application period work?

A) Those with an official CARAT membership from Weverse can participate in a ticket buying period prior to sales opening to the general public. (specific details to be updated)

You will be notified sometime slightly before the pre-sale period if your application was successful and what to use as your pre-sale access code (your CARAT membership number starting with SC+9 digits (eg. SC123456789) will act as your presale code).

Q) Do I have to get a membership in order to get tickets? Will tickets still be available after the pre-sale?

A) No, tickets are usually still available during the general sale. That said, if you want "good" seats/VIP seating, those are usually sold out during the pre-sale period. It is currently unclear if all seats will be available during the pre-sale period, or if some will be reserved for general seating.

Occasionally, additional seating can open up during the general sales period, but these tend to be less-optimal seats.

Q) Does applying for the membership pre-sale guarantee me a spot in the pre-sale?

A) Unfortunately, no! If your application is unsuccessful, you will have to wait for general sales.

Goyang Concert Livestream Details

t_Full details have not been released yet as of 7 Aug 2024._

by SeventeenModTeam

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