hello couprangs and carats! for his birthday, i am planning on making a twt thread for seungcheol and some of the things he has said that has moved me. there’s a particular sentiment that seungcheol has expressed many times, which i have attached an image of a translation of. essentially, it’s the “we know people can judge you for loving idols. we don’t take for granted the love carats give us. we will be idols that you can be proud of to say you stan!”. it never gets old when he says this :’)

i was wondering if any of you could link the other times he has said this. whether its an interview, magazine, or a simple weverse post. the only other one i have is his weverse magazine interview from 2021. thank you all so much in advance!

by spring-breeze–


  1. smilingmocha on

    I don’t have any as I am a newer Carat of about 3 months now I think, but I think this is a really cool and sweet idea you’re doing for his birthday. Scoups is my ult bias and I had wanted to do something for him last month just because I wanted him to know what a special person he is but since I have no social media following it couldn’t gain enough traction.

    I wanted to get his solo song trending on Twitter with messages of how much we care about him and love him and are thankful for him being Seventeen’s and Carats general leader. I wish we could do this for his birthday still if there is someone with enough of a following to get the word out. Would you be willing to participate in that as well?

  2. AffectionateFroyo774 on

    Oh there’s quite a few of those! I can sent you the links to the Twitter post if you want. Most of them have concert videos sooo I can’t add them here 😅

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