1. CherryBlossomEnding on

    • Sad, but not surprised. FAVORITE was one of the safest bets for a disbandment, seeing how their company is inactive in all their socials, Astory Boys silently disbanded in 2020 and Favorite’s last comeback was in 2020.

    • Currently most of members are models/influencers, Ahra and Minjoo (Seoyeon) especially are quite busy. Sugyeong is not as active on Insta as the others, but she returned from 7 months of inactivity to post about Favorite.

    • There was a question a few days ago about groups whose success was hindered by their name and Favorite is the quintessential example with how SEO unfriendly their name is. Yet somehow Teen Vogue managed to find a tweet specifically made for Favorite Gaeul and give it to IVE Gaeul. ([Here)](https://x.com/itswonyseo/status/1792666964265173093?t=I43O5YO8bGBwPyHSxZMz9A&s=19)

    • I know most kpop fans only know them through Loca or Lie, but I really recommend you check out [It’s mine](https://youtu.be/p-CS6NTL5ok?si=_q02xxgqzyHEdcqz).

  2. ImGonnaLickYourLeg on

    I’m glad it’s finally official. I remember really liking their last comeback after not realising they existed beforehand… and then radio silence. They kind of feel like the group that never was, I could’ve been a big fan had they actually been active.

  3. tsutomo_DIA on

    just like 3 years late but finally its official. I wish bigger agencies would do the same.

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