Dreamcatcher Siyeon won’t be participating in the upcoming album promotions due to health issues and anxiety. After discussions, the agency decided to prioritize her health and focus on her recovery.

by SapphireHeaven


  1. wardengorri on

    Aw man that’s such a bummer, wishing you the best Siyeon! The live vocals will be sorely missed.

  2. healthyscalpsforall on

    Oh wow, I hope she’ll be able to recover well.

    Is this the first time a DC member is absent from promotions? Apart from Handong when she was in China of course

  3. Think this is the first time DC have had a member miss a full promo cycle before but it was bound to happen at some point, those girls are always working hard constantly and pushing themselves. Thankfully DCC making the right decision prioritizing her health 🙏

  4. rebelrosemerve on

    Dreamcatcher may be the most hardworking girl group and I still love them for appreciate their fans’ happiness. I guess Siyeon worked so hard and force herself to be better during productions. Get well soon Siyeon, I really hope she can perform with the other members in LifePark Istanbul at September 7th with Purple Kiss.

  5. SonnyJackson27 on

    Happy to see they’re taking this seriously, wouldn’t expect anything else from the company, they’re very good with the members.

    Selfish me hopes she takes the necessary time and recover well until the next tour starts, I’m really looking forward to seeing Dreamcatcher live for the first time and it’s just not gonna be the same without Siyeon.

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