240705 NewJeans ‘Supernatural’ Official MV (Part.2)

by TreacherousHuman


  1. Fearless-Total-2897 on

    What’s going on with the captions? I’m missing the plot details 😭😭😭

    Will watch the two back to back whenever they come but for now I’ll just ramble:

    I think the conversation between Hanni and Minji provides context for the interplay with Minji and Hyein throughout the MVs but I only reall picked up that they’re in danger due to having super powers.
    Dani accidentally manifesting a storm being the main example.

    Haerin watching over Hyein incognito in case she does something reckless maybe? Maybe her pursuit of the guy was dangerous due to her powers so the girls were watching over her?

    Is Hyein new? The way she was looking around it the Rabbitship it felt like it was the first time she’d visited.

    EDIT: apart from a stray line in Spanish, English captions are now in.

    Minji said the 5 of them are one so Hyein definitely isn’t new. I wonder if her crush and her brief relationship with that guy was casuing their powers to go haywire. The increase in harsh weather events+ those weird bunny zebra things towards the end (they look like tokkified versions of the thing Haerin was riding in pt1).

  2. NewJeans are aliens lol. And Minji is cockblocking Hyein because love triggers re-tranformation.

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