by SaltyPoppy



    They’re such a versatile team, and they’ve capitalized on their previous dark-almost-gothic style previously, so we already know how well they can do that concept. BUT NOW WE GET THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE IN HEAPS AND IT’S ABOUT TIME!!!

    Beyond excited, well done, Enha.

  2. I can’t even choose one 😭

    The tracks sounded new to my ears and yet still sounds so Enhypen. Does that even make sense?

    I have a feeling this is gonna top Dark Blood for me.

  3. the GASP i let out for brought the heat back OOOOH DISCO ENHA i am so seated.

  4. PuzzleheadedPin1006 on

    Enhypen are doing my favourite genre 80s disco pop which is new from them I’m so exciteddd!!

  5. crushedbycrush111 on

    this was such a cool way of doing the album preview omg 

    gonna be real I only vibed with a few of the songs (they were all pretty good but I only VIBED with a few) but historically that means 1. I’ll come around to the rest of them eventually and 2. this album is gonna be a HIT. I’m so excited!! 

    (especially for Brought the Heat Back my beloved)

  6. kissmemiyake on

    i see why brought the heat back is ni-ki’s favorite that’s something you could white girl dance to. that HAS to be the promoted b side

  7. Time_to_reflect on

    Good music won’t distract me from the sheer *personal attack* of them having Jake grow his hair out like that

  8. bellamollen on

    I’m claming Brought the Heat Back! I just hope the chorus isn’t just yeah yeah yeah. I also liked the melody on Hundred Broken Hearts. Moonstruck is another highlight from this preview.

    I wish we got more of the tt, but it’s common that we don’t. But there’s already a different feel from that piano preview. But I gotta say I’m not as excited for the tt like I was for the preview ones. But we don’t have much of the tt, so that could definitely change once I actually hear more of the song.

    Edit: the more I listen to the previews the more I like it.

    Edit2: There was a huge close up on the Italia on Heeseung’s shirt, does anyone think that’s a spoiler for something?

  9. Late_Measurement838 on

    Oooooff they all sound good!!!


    Paranormal, XO, Brought the heat back are all sounding really boppy ATM!

    I want this album now

  10. movingmoonlight on


    Edit: god it’s all so good but brought the heat back made me clutch my head with both hands i need to hear this song right fucking now jesus christ

  11. verymuchrandomname on

    YET ANOTHER ALBUM THAT DID NOT DISAPPOINT! I know what I’ll be listening to this summer

    I can’t choose a favorite 😭 I originally said based on titles only Moonstruck, Your Eyes Only and Hundred Broken Hearts sounded interesting (and true I ended up really liking them) I really like the other just as much. We’ll have to see which one(s) grows on me the most


    Edit: Also Brought The Heat Back sounds like peak summer song, I can’t explain it but it just screams summer

  12. Ngl I really love the sounds of these😭😭😭 I was worried cause I knew there wouldn’t be that much if the darker stuff on here but the fact they sound so good based on just a few secs is promising enough. Brought the heat back is literally my vibe can’t stop replaying the snippet already👏

  13. RedBullWack on

    Moonstruck, Bring The Heat Back, and Hundred Broken Hearts are the stars for me, esp Moonstruck.

    some sounded kinda similar I wont lie, but maybe the full song wont as much. Also Im a little confused on Concessio and even Arcanum concepts tho lol, theres not a single song that i would fit in with Concesso 😭

    I love the vibes from the album! Im very excited!!!

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