You will find the last bits of Nayeon's promotion for Na as well the new Lux and Tour update for the whole group ! Tha'ts only the tip of the iceberg because of all the content you will find about the other members in supplements and misc !
Have a good read !

📅 Twice News – Ed.248

🖊️ by sards, XrypticPyro, dejah & Chux (&svn)


The following content is self-made/fanmade. It's mostly a compilation of news, articles, tweets, and translations found on the network, as well as self-written articles utilizing those sources. We, the team, are trying to stay as objective as possible while writing all of the articles. Everything is sourced. However, there might still be inaccuracies for a variety of reasons (e.g.., mistranslations, primary source errors, etc). We will do our best to be as accurate as possible and make corrections accordingly, but please be patient with us, as for some, English is not their first language.

cya next week!

by ChuckyMax

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