1. SapphireHeaven on

    Shuhua might be the safest driver, but Sso ain’t letting anyone else drive her vintage cabriolet. Love the vibe and the instrumentals! Party summer IDLE incoming 🥳

  2. outrodahlia on

    ooh this teaser hooked me in, idle really about to give us a summer hit!

  3. Relssifille on

    Ooooh Jeon Soyeon, again with another summer hit!!! If this really is the lovechild of all their other summer releases like I was hoping for, I’ll be so happy

  4. wickedstappler on

    same (or at least similar) beat as the intro film, right? sounds like i’m gonna love this cb

  5. Love the instrumentals and how Soyeon sounds. This seems like first few seconds of the song (not 100% sure tho).

  6. MelissaWebb on

    Haven’t heard the song already but how does soyeon do it? Mating hits after hits after hits? She’s like a musical genius or something

  7. Every-Advantage7803 on

    Summer is official starting on 8th July: Soyeon ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

  8. doubledeathstrike on

    it’s giving… boys call you sexy and you don’t care what they say

  9. HikikomoriDC on

    It sounds very *summery* for a lack of a better word, lol

    Looking forward to the rest of the MV and Klaxon! 😃

  10. underlyinglove on

    I just know that i’ll have this song on repeat throughout the entire summer

  11. Are we really getting a swing song? Oh come one ladies, dont get my hopes up.

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