1. > Hello. This is HYBE.

    > To commemorate the release of V’s “TYPE 1” photobook, we would like to announce <ARTSPACE: TYPE 1>.

    > This special exhibition, centered around those moments of complete relaxation that form the main theme of V’s “TYPE 1” photobook, will visit ARMY in a series of locations from July to August.

    > <ARTSPACE: TYPE 1>, taking place in various cities and venues around the world, will feature a variety of zones. This will include exhibition and experience zones, where you can see the artist’s relaxed moments up close. The design of these spaces reflects the flow of the photobook’s chapters, allowing you to feel the atmosphere in person.

    > Experience “TYPE 1,” filled with V’s distinctive style, in various cities and venues worldwide for an even more extraordinary experience.

  2. They love us! But also why do I feel like my money is slipping away like sand in my hands each time there’s an announcement 😅

  3. palecandycane on

    Cries in East Coast. LA gets it but the rest of us don’t?! Screams 

  4. PlacePuzzleheaded982 on

    The East Coast gets no love, I just want them to have something in Atlanta

  5. Shoddy_Cat_4313 on

    I will actually be in LA when this is going on for KCON. 👀 But it’ll be hard to find time to fit it in, so that’s kind of a bummer.

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