1. Round-Significance97 on

    Ok STAYC, this is so camp and I’M LOVING IT! Honestly i’m not disappointed and i’m ready to hear the album now

  2. WhoIsBestWaifu567 on

    Oh lord it really was less than 3 minutes from the medley-

    But that being said that chorus is quite unique with the sound effects and filter, it is quite catchy (though I think it would’ve benefited from a final chorus/outro to some capacity).

    But then again the intention was to probably have listeners listen to it on repeat, it’s definitely working (like with many pop songs nowadays)

    Also loving the chaotic and campy vibes from the MV!

    *NOO DONT LEAVE SEEUN BEHIND, homegirl gotta walk home by herself*

  3. Wow, I can see this being super divisive but it’s actually sorta heat. That driving production stays constant with all the processing (so much special effects, lol) going on and somehow it works.

    J looks amazing here.

    Gonna listen to the new Metamorphic album now and then loop the Young-Luv.com mini album several times since I haven’t listen to it in a while.

  4. I’m really glad they went back all the way to the Run2U sound. The last comebacks after Beautiful Monster where just not doing it for me. I still don’t know how I fully feel about it but I can see me warming up to it. Looking forward to hearing the full album, specially the solo and unit songs.

  5. G3t_BusyLiving on

    So chaotic and way too short! I can’t wait to see their dance break. Dare I say, Seeun’s era!!

  6. AnAffinityForTurtles on

    It’s so short but that’s definitely intentional bc it’s so ADDICTIVE

  7. Mati13thOfGL on

    I love StayC, I find the song quite interesting and fun but this trend of the 2 minutes and a half seconds songs is pissing me off. It´s feels such a waste of potential especially because the bridge are the one which sacrifice, Also I already see how half of their songs of this full first album are 2 minutes songs….

  8. Short but sweet, funky and quirky. Some VERY squelchy basslines in this, it hits the right mixture of sassy and campy and maintains that peppy STAYC sound, the BEP sound but with more of a darker, mischievous twist on the Teddy Bear/Bubble saga.

  9. Miserable-Elephant-3 on

    Well this is some of the fattest bass I’ve heard in kpop this would be so good playing on the right subwoofers. As for the song itself i definitely see the run2u comparisons but it feels way more retro and weird in its approach. It’s giving 80s electro/new wave and that’s a big compliment and i liked that it’s all gas no brakes and just kept pulsing, the dropping in and out for the rap verse was my one real complaint with run2u. I like it a lot is my point.

  10. GenghisKhangelo on

    bep kinda sickk for making it only 2 min and 30 secs of infectious and addicting beat coz now i gotta repeat it for MORE

  11. notmariyatakeuchi on

    i too would like one whiskey ring a ring ding dong on ice

    run2u’s older drunker sister

  12. MAKE IT LONGER PLEEEASE. I love it, I just want more of it – it makes me want to strut down the street but it wouldn’t make for a very long walk lol. Despite my issues with the length, it’s pure fun in song form and I can’t wait to see the live stages for this!

  13. Gonna deviate from everybody here and say this just sounds messy and hollow. I really can’t find a melody here at all, it just sounds like a draft to me.

    Glad to see people enjoying it though. *Don’t mind me I’m just gonna replay Stereotype and Young Luv for the 9000th time now…*

  14. cutlikedi4mond on

    First listen, it wasn’t captivating as like a generic song… Idk to me or just feels messy. Like Kepler’s wefresh. That’s my opinion but I’m sure it will change after a few listens

  15. I absolutely love it! It’s like a perfect cross between Run2U and their 2023 comebacks. Just wish it was longer. LOVE the ending pose.

  16. SapphireHeaven on

    It’s a fun song, the chorus is pretty addictive. Not a big fan of those vocal filters in general, but it doesn’t feel that alien in this particular song, might even add flair..? Still prefer the more clear and natural parts though. While with the MV felt short, it wasn’t that bad when I listened on Spotify. The MV fits the song perfectly and i love the styling! Now I’m gonna take the rest of the day to explore all the Bsides.

    Cheeky Icy Thang, Cheeky Icy Thang 🎶

  17. MelissaWebb on

    The more I play it in my head, the more I like it actually but it’s definitely a grower for me, not an instant hit. I think this one may be a bit divisive tbh. Also no bridge??? Man that sucks

    Time to listen to the full album!

  18. crashbandicoochy on

    This is exactly the sound, tone and vibe that pops into my head when I think of StayC so I’m sooooo glad they’re back at it. I don’t like putting artists in a box, usually, but this box is so fun. I can’t help it!

    I kept getting distracted by what classic song that chubby bass synth was reminding me of. I kept thinking Madonna but I can’t place it.

    Also, “I’m cool as ice, on the rocks whiskey ring a ring ding dong” might have the be my new flair. That’s so goofy. I love it.

  19. princessedelarue17 on

    Not for me, but I can see how some people would like this kind of quirky and cute concept

  20. Xmithie_best_option on

    Kinda disappointed even from a STAYC fan

    Thought it would be Run2u 2.0 based on the teaser, feel kinda underwhelmed after listening to it…

    Feels like the weakest title from them in their discography…

  21. The hook is so good but this is a miss for me.
    Seems a bit weird to be talking “too cool for school” and alcohol in the same song. A lyrical mess.

    Grateful for the 14 track album.

  22. Love the concept and the MV but ngl so very disappointed 😭😭 the song didn’t go off at all imo. It felt like it’s a long intro. They all look stunning tho, they can literally carry anything thrown at them 💓

  23. Shinkopeshon on

    That beat is absolutely monstrous, my god ![img](emote|t5_2r1ox|3558)

    This whole song builds up beautifully – it’s eccentric, yet still catchy

    (only wished for more Sumin, why did they nerf my girlie like that :’)

  24. SilverMind9 on

    It’s a bit busy sounding. Kinda disappointed cause it’s more in the direction of Run2U and I love that sound for them. But this sounds messy to me. Also, I’ve noticed in a couple of recent K-pop releases that the English sounds incredibly forced and sounds extremely awkward in combination with the Korean lyrics.

  25. rocketmammamia on

    love the bassline and it’s a super fun beat, im thrilled they’ve returned to this type of sound. however the mixing sounds really messy and there’s just far too much going on – it’s kind of bizarre that the bassline and chord progression seems to be mostly minor and yet the vocal line seems to in a bubbly major key, which is interesting but at least on first listen sounds super disjointed.

    love the choreo though and at least it sounds different and fresh and not another cookie cutter girl group song! hopefully it’ll grow on me more with further listens. i can’t get that funky bassline out of my head!

  26. I like how fun the MV is – it screams STAYC-levels of chaos – but the music ain’t it now, chiefs. It’s an addicting slow burn, admittedly, but I really like them being the group that gives this wholesome serotonin boost with their previous comebacks.

    It’s got the Run2U sound, yes, but the music is criminally cut short, which could’ve been exactly 3 minutes at least if has the iconic “STAYC girls, it’s going down!” intro + few more seconds of instrumentals.

    EDIT: A solid 7/10 for me because I got 3 points for Isa lmao

  27. Aww man, Stayc is very inconsistent for me. I’m a fan of Star to a young culture, Staydom, youngluv and Stereotype. Poppy was a fun song as well, I had it on repeat. I didn’t like Teddy Bear, Beautiful Monster, Bubble.

    I don’t know what the idea behind this track was, it seems very messy both the lyrics and the musical structure and with it being so short… I know they’re going for quirky but there’s other ways to do it…What a weird song.

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