1. Min will be doing an AMA on r/kpop this Tuesday, July 2 at 9:00 AM KST. You can schedule when to arrive by checking this [timezone converter.]

    > **”I’m new to Reddit, how do I participate and ask questions to Min?”**
    >First, you have to create your own Reddit account by going [here](https://www.reddit.com/register)
    >To ask a question to Min you have to comment in the thread posted by Min on Tuesday. **Min won’t answer questions from this thread.**
    >You will find the AMA thread pinned at the top of the subreddit once Min has posted their thread.
    >Try to keep all your questions in English.

    We have hosted a variety of AMA in the past here on [r/kpop](https://old.reddit.com/r/kpop) – maybe we’ve scheduled one with a group you like? You can see our past AMAs on our [wiki page.](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/wiki/ama)

  2. PrincessDaisy96 on

    OMG Min!!! I’m so happy to see her. IDK what to even ask, I just hope she is doing well.

  3. This is so cool!!! So glad I have a free day on Tuesday so I can stay up late asking questions hehe.

  4. I just know i’ll end up missing this but i hope she reads this thread so she knows i love her and she’s the reason i got into kpop :”)

  5. Subreddit lore will be revisited again with her AMA.

    I’m so happy she came back!

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