240626 [GOING SEVENTEEN] EP.105 Insomnia-Zero Ⅲ #1

by SeventeenModTeam


  1. main character – yapping 😂

    Not Woozi actually showing his underwear and cursing 😂 Seventeen broke him

    I had to do a double take when the captions said Jun-hal ko kayo. It’s from mahal ko kayo, it means “I love you” ~~mahal kita is the singular form, mahal ko kayo can also mean i love you all~~

    edit: The members making a letter T and just circling around Vernon was the best part hahaha 🤣

  2. Seungkwan’s turn was so chaotic. Everyone has an attack on him, it was so noisy. The Eiffel tower pose plagiarism and the ig likes 😂

    Vernon’s buying habits. It felt like it’s true and not just something they made up for laughs.

    Mingyu spending much on the dressing room. Just proves he’s the one busy planning things in their house while his business partner just lives with him.

    DK and Joshua being ones who they are afraid to speak bad about. I was waiting for someone to roast DK but that one of Dino is mild. Joshua looks like a puppy but once in a while becomes an attack dog. 😆 I only saw him act like that in Bro & Marble.

    Loving how Mingyu kept asking Jun if he has anything to say. Jun would have not raised anything if he wasn’t asked to speak.

  3. Noo I just realised Minghao’s not here, one day we’ll get ot13 insomnia zero, one day…

    Part of me feels like they were more on edge this episode, holding back a lot more or more careful with their fibs which is totally fair and all cause their privacy you know. But when they kept bringing up how they couldn’t really say much on camera it honestly just made me even more curious lol.

    Also love the return of [wonwoo’s breathing](https://twitter.com/wonwooszone/status/1805949760530161802?t=WEwSf9FEvg1UBGo5nYIvlg&s=19) [exercises](https://twitter.com/wonwooszone/status/1805942432456175739?t=Q-UQwnZGFuggidO_5EQYog&s=19). He’s a consistent man haha.

  4. Wonwoo is being dissed that his cameras are just a concept and his pics are just from google. Was that the reason why he decided to open the new IG account..? 🤣

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