Hey bunnies, American fan living in Japan here.

So on the 26th and 27th of this month, New Jeans are doing Bunnies camp! But because of the language barrier I am still a little confused at the logistics of it.

It’s a show and fan meeting, right? And am I right in thinking sold out? If so, is there anyway to still attend?

If so, I am in the free fanclub, do I have to buy the Japanese version of the membership to attend? Is there a separate ticket I can buy?

Thankful for any info/help I can get figuring this out cause I’d love to see them while they’re here! 😭🙏

ave had trouble figuring out how to return the performance. Is it possible to buy tickets?

by clementwllms

1 Comment

  1. Due_Reserve_9229 on

    Tickets have been sold out (fastest selling out by a foreign artist) for quite some time. The only way right now is by getting resell tickets which are going WAAAAAAY above the list price.

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