[Album Cover](https://preview.redd.it/11ibgwtf223a1.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa0b354cde3eefe7d01153b87d996dcc40f7224)

ITZY – CHESHIRE (The 6th Mini Album)

**Release Date**: 30th November 2022

Track | Lyrics by | Composed by | Arranged by
1. **[Cheshire](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zugAhfd2r0g)** | Hwang Sumin (153/Joombas), Jung Hari (153/Joombas) | Tim Tan, Ciara Muscat, Josefin Glenmark, JAR (153/Joombas), Justin Reinstein, JJEAN | Tim Tan, Justin Reinstein
2. [Snowy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1fGC3LU3U4) | Jang Jeongwon (Jamfactory) | Stian Nyhammer Olsen, Julia Bognar Finnseter, Paulos Solbo, Joshua Leung | Stian Nyhammer Olsen, Joshua Leung
3. [Freaky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7MoYhi6O0g) | Moon Seori | Jacob “Ontrackz” Andersson, Molly Rosenstrom | Jacob “Ontrackz” Andersson
4. [Boys Like You](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uZy86ePgO0&vl=en) | Didrik Thott, Hayley Aitken, Sara Davis, Ellie Suh (153/Joombas), Lee Juhee (MUMW) | Didrik Thott, Sebastian Thott, Hayley Aitken | Sebastian Thott


* **[Melon](https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11112176)**

* **[Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/2a1ezg7hE6Dyuymv1aCnkm)**

* **[YouTube Music](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_lTzHdLsqGrtbhvwZMD1cmYwN6UxOGMKyU)**

* **[Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/cheshire-ep/1654019775)**

by CronoDroid


  1. PeachsistersMoYeon on

    Chesire was so good, especially the la la la part. Im excited to hear the whole albumm

    Edit: I finished listening to the album and Snowy is the best track. My ranking is:
    1. Snowy
    2. Cheshire
    3. Freaky/Boys Like You

    I love this style for them and wished there were more of it.

  2. NotAloneNotAlone on

    Snowy has a Für Elise sample and Red Velvet just sampled it on BYE BYE two days ago haha what a coincidence.

  3. Relevant_Compote_818 on

    Snowy & freaky are hits as well. Not the biggest fan of boys like you but I think this is still their best ep for me, then checkmate

  4. Cheshire – 10/10 absolutely loved this title track. Screamed ITZY, members each got to shine and I’m gonna have La stuck in my head for ages. Super catchy from the first listens

    Snowy – 10/10 IS THAT RAPPER CHAERYEONG?! Now who told ITZY producers to outdo shoot? Similar structure but the sample goes above and beyond here and the song has a slightly creepy edge. Na is the new La lol

    Freaky – 7/10 somebody smashed tennis and surf together and made this song. It’s great but standing next to Cheshire and Shoot it falls slightly short.

    Boys Like You – 3/10 do I look like your mommy?

    Favorite album since Guess Who and that was a BOP

  5. Snowy is easily one of their best b-sides! It’s been a minute (like… not since Not Shy era minute) that I’ve truly loved an ITZY b-side, but truly what a top tier track!

    Freaky is also great, very nice chill track that ITZY do so well.

    I’m still trying to make up my mind on Chesire. It’s leagues better than Sneakers, and there was a lot I enjoyed, but other aspects of it that left me wanting. I loved the funkier sound for them, but I also wish they got a bit weirder and higher energy with it.

    Boys Like You is not a good song lmao.

  6. If I had a dollar for every Kpop song that sampled Fur Elise this week I would have 2 dollars, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right?

  7. Great mini, Snowy and Freaky are so good. Itzy always has at least one chillaxing road trip type song and Freaky is just all those vibes man.

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