1. [SOURCE](https://youtu.be/Wbwm5Rv4VDE?si=QwfQ3YcPd7rV89bG)

    Question: “In your experience are you seeing loneliness & isolation as challenges and if so Im curious how you think we can address those?”

    Rosé: “Some of the things I do is never enough, no matter how hard I work on something, there’s always going to be somebody with their own opinion or who enjoy taking control of the narrative and so that comes to me as a sense of loneliness.” 🥺

  2. 🥺 I’ll never understand why so many people a.k.a trolls think it’s okay to post and message hateful things to artists etc. It’s not just young people. Fully grown and middle aged people do it as well. One of the most toxic things about social media.

  3. It was nice to see Rosé being invited to the Apple Park/APEC event and spoke at the panel. Curious was Rosé representing herself or as Blackpink?

    I miss the Apple Park/Steve Jobs Theater so much.

  4. it’s such an eloquent, surprisingly tactful (very appropriately diplomatic as befits the occasion), and at the same time an honest answer. but it’s heartbreaking to hear from Rosé herself that she does get affected by the horrible things people say

  5. Unscripted and straight from the heart. We are all human beings with feelings and insecurities, regardless of our place in society. The world would be a better place if our efforts were directed at positive things rather than focusing on the negative.

  6. Being introduced to the kpop world in 2019 (a particularly bad year for kpop mental health i feel) probably influenced and made me extra aware of hateful comments in general here and other subs. If everyone just upped their empathy a percent or 2…

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