1. every time i resolve to save money for 2025, BH hits with new paid content…

    but yes time to relive the best 2 days of my life in vegas 🥹

  2. lisafancypants on

    I’m going to go ahead and assume (and be greedy) that by “in the US” they mean all eight shows. And even if it’s not, I’m going to pretend it is until I can no longer deny the truth.

  3. That announcement is pretty short on details. Is it DVD only? Is there a VOD option? Is it a compilation of performances from all their US PTD shows or only from Vegas? Does “release” mean that’s when it ships, if it’s a physical?

  4. ![gif](giphy|am0dKpQO1vrOC3DmCb|downsized)

    I didn’t need that money anyway. Should I just have all of my paycheck directly deposited into Hybe’s bank account?

  5. nomnom-persimmon on

    I hope they include Jin’s birthday celebration. That was one of the highlights of PTD LA for me 🥹

  6. RepresentativeFar502 on

    I don’t normally buy anything but I think I’ll buy this because I became ARMY just at the beginning of 2022 and the Vegas shows were kinda like my first concert intro to them in real time so it holds a special place in my heart 🥹

  7. I’ve been waiting for a PTD DVD announcement!!!!😭 Attending these concerts was one of the biggest highlights of my life, I am so excited to re-live this era.

  8. Difficult_Deer6902 on

    I’ve never brought a DVD package as I don’t have a player. Would there be differences between this and the concert on Disney+?

  9. And there goes my money… I don’t mind though, I’ve been *waiting* for this. I loved PTD LA on Disney and I can’t get enough of PTD concerts over all. I also dearly hope they do a Seoul version because that was my favorite.

  10. Yup yup I do want that. I have a screen recording of the livestream version that I watch every time I have to fly (have one of D-Day too and patiently waiting for the release of that on Blu Ray.) hope there are behind the scenes clips because I super duper need something to fill the hole of no memories of 2022.

  11. I’ve been working on my dvd collection (was able to score a sealed copy of LY:SY London for an amazing price recently) so now I’ll have this one to add to my collection 😭

  12. That’s an uncharacteristically short time between preorder and release. And it looks like it’ll be all LA and Vegas shows? What’s going on here…

  13. Accessorizeyourvibe on

    YESSSSSSS!!! This was the first concert after I joined the fandom. It was also my Jin’s and my birthday. Super memorable for me 😭 My flair is from that concert too!

  14. Hope my friends and family are happy with their Christmas present this year being the joy of me watching this

  15. Interesting since PTD LA is already on Disney +. Going to PTD LV was life changing for me so I’d be happy to own that on DVD!



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