[Album Cover](https://preview.redd.it/wvvcwg18qvdb1.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bdce8038d78a49f5c20c53761be22ed2d266915)

Oh My Girl – Golden Hourglass (The 9th Mini Album)

**Release Date**: 24th July 2023

Track | Lyrics by | Composed by | Arranged by
1. [Celebrate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTjAQNw2Y18) | Hwang Hyun (MonoTree), ***Mimi*** | Song Heejin (Solcire), MOGT (Solcire), TAN (Solcire) | TAN (Solcire), MOGT (Solcire)
2. **[Summer Comes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNaKSu73w60)** | Lee Seuran, ***Mimi*** | Ryan Jhun, Scott Russell Stoddart, Anna Timgren, Jason OK | Ryan Jhun, Scott Russell Stoddart, Jason OK
3. [Queen B](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fR-_VaDKyQ) | Seo Jieum, ***Mimi*** | Steven Lee, Laurell Barker, Joe Lawrence | Joe Lawrence, Steven Lee
4. [Dirty Laundry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wA03PCypY6E) | Seo Jieum, ***Mimi*** | HRDR, Galeyn Tenhaeff, Sophia Ayana, Tim Boomsma | HRDR
5. [Paradise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UZVQoHqkoM) | Seo Jieum, ***Mimi*** | Alina Smith, Annalise Morelli (153/Joombas) | LYRE
6. [Miracle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=se8lsMEtqeI) | ***Hyojung, Mimi, YooA, Seunghee, Yubin, Arin*** | Steven Lee, Andreas Stone Johansson, Evelina Carlsson, Simon Peyron | Steven Lee, Simon Peyron


* **[Melon](https://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=11290943)**

* **[Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/album/6DFc3S7krKwWYIqsHB2Yif)**

* **[YouTube Music](https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mwGb_1W3TsTXc10gqoE8CV9bJCWYJcxsU)**

* **[Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/au/album/golden-hourglass-ep/1697800357)**

by CronoDroid


  1. GowonTheCrunch on

    Love all those Mimi credits!!! It has felt like a lifetime since the previous OMG mini album, and I’m not disappointed. I can’t say which track is my favourite, but I’m loving Queen B’s funky sound.

  2. Paradise is the stand-out for me

    Right now it’s Paradise > Summer Comes > Dirty Laundry > Celebrate > Miracle > Queen B for me

  3. Spectrum_107 on

    This is such a good release, yet again with just 6 songs there’s pretty much something for everyone. Paradise and Summer Comes are definitely my top picks but Miracle being sentimental, Dirty Laundry exuding confidence, Celebrate being uplifting and Queen B/Nae Type just being hype make this an overall feel good album. Worth the wait ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)

  4. clovermantle on

    Thank Girl! Every song is a lot of fun, with so many interesting components. Feels really packed for a 6 song mini (and we’ve already been listening to miracle for a while).

    Curious to see which ones I’ll love the most, after a few months. Queen B and Summer Comes are early favorites, but Paradise, Celebrate, and Dirty Laundry will be hitting me hard, I’m sure.

    Overall, I’m just happy we’ve got their music!

  5. sooprotectionsquad on

    Getting a little emotional at new OMG album but I managed to get myself together enough to process and somehow coherently write this down.

    1. Celebrate – I’m a HUGE fan of poppy, fun OMG and Blink was my favorite song from Real Love and this is no different! Seunghee and Hyojung are the vocal queens they’ve always been and absolutely go off during the choruses. There must be a rule that songs titled Celebrate must always be bops.

    2. Summer Comes – Summer is my favorite season for kpop and I’m glad we got OMG this year to top it off! A-ing and BUNGEE are some of my favorite releases and Summer Comes is a worthy successor. I absolutely LOVE how high energy this is, and the structure of the song reminds me a lot of classic kpop songs we used to get a few years ago. Hyojung and Seunghee also have such refreshing vocal tones that they automatically make this summer bop somehow even BETTER!

    3. My Type/Queen B – People typically don’t associate this type of sound with OMG but this reminds me a lot of their b-sides, especially in the Real Love/Dun Dun Dance albums. It’s cheeky, slightly jazzy (yooa’s voice!!!), with a lot of groove. Fans of Dolphin will definitely love this one, check it out!

    4. Dirty Laundry – One of my top anticipated tracks and it did not disappoint! Mimi’s rap was fire, she really has been improving with each album and I’m loving seeing her all over this album.

    5. Paradise – Hyojung’s voice!!! This song was made for her, when she started the chorus I elevated. This is so interesting because it feels so sweet and slightly understated when the vocals are doing their thing, but the post-chorus when Mimi comes in changes that tone and suddenly the beat’s super dirty.

    6. Miracle – This made me cry a bit when it first dropped and I’m sure all miracles will feel similarly. What a sweet, lovely tune. I’m glad they included into the album so non-fans can also give it a listen.

    Preliminary song ranking:

    Summer Comes > Celebrate > My Type/Queen B > Dirty Laundry > Paradise/Miracle

  6. EveryMaintenance4422 on

    So many good songs! I’ve been looping it while working this morning and so many songs stand out it’s hard to pick; Nae Type (Queen B), Dirty Laundry and Paradise being such a fun satisfying trio to me. Wish it was longer but oh well! Will definitely be playing this a ton this summer.

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